Does this happen in your country?

Olmec girls lose their virginity when they are 11 because it's part of their culture

Attached: OlmecGirl.webm (640x800, 1022.69K)

God I want to be an 11 years old

Built for Big Spanish Cock

50% never lose their virginity and die alone but they go to heaven

she's bolivian

Yeah, no pure or even mostly native/amerindian girl looks like that.

i want exactly that type of girl

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it did happen here

She isn't you fucking retard, I hate niggers like you

Attached: mSPuIFJgye.jpg (965x1341, 208.9K)

so, prime breeding age?


God, life is suffering

Is that Valencia, Catalonia...?

Yeah, I think Justin Bieber invited her to spend a vacation over there, they were dating years ago

>muh mixed race mutts are hideous abominations
>muh she's only pretty because she's mixed race and has European admixture

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I just got a Mexican gf and she has nice big titties :)

all mexicans are olmec unless they are yucatecan mayans

Attached: 08.png (836x944, 1.03M)

You do not know how amerinds look like


girl on the right is still the prettiest one to ever be posted in these kinds of threads

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For me it's

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she just looks asian

most amerindians look austronesian

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Attached: headshot-beautiful-amazonian-woman-indigenous-facial-paint-earrings-colorful-feathers-posing-seriously-camera-park-78440695.jpg (1300x951, 138.32K)

based sundadont chads, can she pass as a local olmeca?

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skin too light

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ive had 2 amerindian gfs and I can't get enough. I have only ever had sex with amerindian women

how is it that canadian ameridians look like modern siberians.. sorta... but girls like this look like almost a complete other race? Really gets the noggin joggin

Nobody said the 11 year old boys lose their virginity. The 11 year old girls lose it to some 40+ y/o men.

different waves of migration, canadians injuns are more recent