Olmec girls lose their virginity when they are 11 because it's part of their culture
Does this happen in your country?
God I want to be an 11 years old
Built for Big Spanish Cock
50% never lose their virginity and die alone but they go to heaven
she's bolivian
Yeah, no pure or even mostly native/amerindian girl looks like that.
i want exactly that type of girl
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it did happen here
She isn't you fucking retard, I hate niggers like you
so, prime breeding age?
God, life is suffering
Is that Valencia, Catalonia...?
Yeah, I think Justin Bieber invited her to spend a vacation over there, they were dating years ago
>muh mixed race mutts are hideous abominations
>muh she's only pretty because she's mixed race and has European admixture
I just got a Mexican gf and she has nice big titties :)
all mexicans are olmec unless they are yucatecan mayans
You do not know how amerinds look like
girl on the right is still the prettiest one to ever be posted in these kinds of threads
For me it's
she just looks asian
most amerindians look austronesian
based sundadont chads, can she pass as a local olmeca?
skin too light
ive had 2 amerindian gfs and I can't get enough. I have only ever had sex with amerindian women
how is it that canadian ameridians look like modern siberians.. sorta... but girls like this look like almost a complete other race? Really gets the noggin joggin
Nobody said the 11 year old boys lose their virginity. The 11 year old girls lose it to some 40+ y/o men.
different waves of migration, canadians injuns are more recent