Which one has a better future?
Which one has a better future?
africa is going to be the largest consumer market in a century.
The uk
Western, eastern, and southern Africa yes
most of latin america already has stagnating populations without ever having become developed economies
in a few decades they'll have the demographics of japan with the economic strength of a middle-eastern country, it'll be carnage unless they let corona do its thing
south america, those niggers in africa can't even handle agriculture
Africa because they still have a young population. Latin America is getting old and it's still poor lol
shhhhhh, let them kids have fun with the meme
South America, Africa has huge population growth but with no appreciable economic growth. The people have very few serviceable skills and there are strong ethnic/religious tensions in many nations with even worse leadership including chronic top down corruption. When you have a young population with no jobs or security you get violence. Complete disaster waiting to happen
You just described south America too though
South america, less islam
>but with no appreciable economic growth
i dont think both of them have a good future honestly....
there are zero religious or ethnic tension in latam tho, you unironically have more of an issue with that than us
One is owned by China, the other will be soon
not that europe has a future btw, life on earth has peaked on every continent
How about europe? I don't think any other continent has worse prospects than Europe
Actually if Africa can produce another benevolent dictator a la Nasser, it could rise really quickly.
Northern Africa is the most developed part of Africa and it's the most Islamic part of Africa
imagine believing this
the shittiest countries in Europe are still better than the best of latam
The gap will only increase as we keep developing and you keep stagnating
Which means absolute nothing if they don't develop an industry to supply such market
honestly and unironically, africa will develop before latin america.
latin america is and will be what it is. to all my latam friends, look out your windows. that's all the country ever will be. a little bit better in fat times, and a little bit worse in lean times, but it is what it is.
africa's got nowhere to go but up. latin america is at the end of its history already.
Not to demean you or anything bro, but can we get a real European country to give their opinion
user, i hate to say this, but uruguay has a larger median income than places like croatia.
eastern europe isn't that far from the developed parts of latin america.
>the shittiest countries in Europe are still better than the best of latam
>and you keep stagnating
but we are not, latam has a higher average growth rate than europe. keep seething
ok Rodriguez
When I was a kid many streets in my town were made of dirt and we didn't had any building higher than 4 floors, now all streets are paved and we have S K Y C R A P P E R S, uber eats and buses with AC
Brazil developed a lot believe it or not
the union of both of them against Whit*ids and Chinks.
Holy based
10k whites and asians could conquer africa in a week
>latam has a higher average growth rate than europe
you literally have lower gdp growth than Western Europe despite being 5 times poorer
For the past 5 years in a row you had the second lowest growth of all regions in the world, only higher than the middle east
you're a fucking joke
maybe europe has a future now i think of it... but big changes have to come in next 5 years and i think the pandemic is actually good for europe in the long run
South America has more qt's
the latam average is heavily affected by a single country, namely venezuela, which has been falling at -3% or -4% per annum in the recent past. If you excluded them, we'd easily beat your sorry ass
Mexicans will unite with their fellow olmecs
do u have numbers and a source
If that’s true than how are there so many of them and growing?