Aka Mediterranean, aka coomer general. Invited: all Mediterranean countries. Also welcome: Any country that produces olive oil and wine, as well as the UK, native Americans and elves.
Music edition.
What music do you listen to, /med/? What are your favourite genres? What about favourite songs? Which ones do you hate?
We as a nation are about as lazy as Greeks, I assume we're invited?
Jackson Nguyen
ta tu
Connor Jenkins
Is Athens really a degenerate shithole? I've heard from other Greeks that it's a cesspit these days.
Blake Howard
I've lived in Athens my entire life. It depends on where you go to. I really like walking, so I've walked a big part of it. It's mostly the west part, that is a shithole, but there are such amazing things to see in it. It never stops amazing me. If you're not lazy, and you're willing to walk around, Athens is a wonderful city, full of many easter eggs. This pic is taken in a place that overlooks the place where persians died. Ironic.
I'm very versatile when it comes to music, I'm open to any kind of music as long as it isn't related to modern American niggery, Varying from rock to Religious hymns. I don't necessarily have to understand the lyrics because melody is what makes the music for me.
no, it's cavo d'oro in the distance the Persians would send reinforcements in order to encircle the Spartans while fighting at Thermopylae the weather (and Gods) wasn't in their favour, and the ships were sunk but ephialtes snitched anyway
Jose Sanchez
That's cool, if I went to Greece I'd make it my goal to keep moving and visit as many historical sites as possible.
William Fisher
you know what's underrated? Hadrian's aqueduct route It starts from Parnitha and ends all the way down to the center of Athens It's a completely free route to walk. You get to see free landmarks on your way, plus obscure regions of Athens. Get a pair of headphones, and start marching for the glory of the ancient world.
John Hughes
No money and there's a plague going on, I will one day. Was nice to speak to an actual Athenian.
Brayden Ortiz
the route if you're interested in it there are markings on the way I used to trow gravel in it, as a kid, I didn't understand what it was >Was nice to speak to an actual Athenian. glad to speak about my city most people just shit on it (thought I understand why)
anyway, gn lads I hope this thread survives. It's too late, and I'm too drunk. See you tomorrow youtube.com/watch?v=f1tYe3TkhTc
Andrew Barnes
Essentially this
Josiah Sullivan
Good night mate
Zachary Bailey
So it's ruins of an aqueduct? I keep forgetting that the Greek world was under Roman Subjugation. I suppose I'd see a lot of Roman architecture as well as original Hellenic structures in my travels. You ever visit the south? Or even Sparta?
Charles Cooper
thanks bruvh
you found me milliseconds before I turned off my pc, lol >So it's ruins of an aqueduct? yeah, and even athenians don't know about it. It's a great walk if you're looking for something really adventurous. If you ever do it, I'd suggest starting from Parnitha really early in the morning, and ending it in Kolonaki, where it ends late at night. It's an eerie experience, and you'll see many parts of Athens, that the vast majority of tourists (and even athenians, actually) don't get to see. >keep forgetting that the Greek world was Αδριάνιο Υδραγωγείο >You ever visit the south? Or even Sparta? I am from the south, so yeah. Arcadia is south. I'm in /med/ daily, so @me tomorrow in here if you need any info on it. Or I'll just reply to you if this thread survives. What do you want to see? I know Arcadia real good, and I know Lakonia (sparta region) fairly well as well. I'll respond tomorrow though. Goodnight fren
Anthony James
Yeah sure I'll talk to you in 9 hours or so, thanks for all the info so far!
Gabriel Myers
gn I'll respond to the OP after I wake up if it's still up.
Juan Butler
>Songs for an empty world nice, good night bro
Nathaniel Hall
Gn malta
Hunter Wood
all I want out of life is a rich milf with her own vineyard in england, who will suckle me with her vino-scented breast under the shadow of an olde english oak tree (then die and leave me her ill-gotten wealth)
Same except I want a boomer gf who dress like pic related. Modest but clearly out dated sense of clothing which somewhat will make her look classy. Am I asking too much?