Sweden eats the most bananas of any european country

Sweden eats the most bananas of any european country

Attached: banana-EU-consumption-using-reduced-average_imagelarge.jpg (501x730, 55.75K)

I prefer apples


pic related

Attached: swedish pizza.jpg (1280x902, 295.03K)

that's a lot of bananas, the US only eats about 13kg/person/year


We swedes know how to eat pizza

Attached: imag0250.jpg (3264x1952, 1.27M)

>daily calorie intake in one sitting

Very healthy food rich in potassium, excellent for the functioning of the intestines.

I imagine they must be expensive in Sweden, people must know the benefits.

at least this has savoury ingredients in it

Tastes good with cinnamon.

Attached: pizza-banana3.jpg (1200x803, 951.14K)

Are you guys trying to trigger me? I don't wanna argue, I'm sleepy.

Banana is savory

Attached: TUewm0N.jpg (631x548, 71.25K)

Uma delicia.
You too, stop

no it isn't, you sick fuck

Are the Swedish people monkeys?

Bananas suck tb h, glad my countrymen agree

God brazilians are so fucking based. Truly our best allies

you can suck on my banana, if you catch my drift

Is that even a pizza technically speaking? It has neither cheese nor tomato sauce

watermelon is best fruit, no doubt

are you cute


is this actually pizza? this looks more like a dessert.

Why are watermelons associated with blacks?

looks good

bl*ck slaves would covet warermelons cause they were seen as a symbol of status n wealth

if that's the case, I would gladly suck you off, play with your balls and eat your ass

>eat your ass

I fucking hate that shit

You'll like it. Ass has tons of nerve endings.