
The Sunflower State edition

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using this to dab on the other yank shilling his new the past 2 threads

>dogshit yank edition

canes is a louisiana thing, simple as

reckon tom hanks has to be a nonce or murderer or some shit

more like great bender

The collapse of the Soviet Union was a mistake

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>Great Bend
Got one right here for ya

thought that was Popeyes? Canes is everywhere in TX though

Azula lads

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do americans really?

New episode of the non family

Looks like Kino is back on the menu boys


I am the king of the faeries.

i live near the first canes that opened and its closed

this edition has nothing to do with british culture

i love her so much bros

didnt like that video of the guy getting stabbed

fuck off to /cum/ you horrible little scrote

i wish back in 2007 nickelodeon was more progresive and shiped azula with ty lee

i think windows millenium received much more hate than it deserved

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no get colonised

i wouldnt say its rare but the closest one to me is 100 miles away where my brother lives
place is absolutely PENG, i get it every time i go down to visit him
i'm guessing you live in the south

me too

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I agree with this, if you look at how he was reacting to Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes you'd see it, it- just- it's obvious.

*sees andy sandberg*
*immediately hides post*

shut up.

Well im eatin it Iowa

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personally, it's not karen for me, but rather yoko


Never was attracted to her. I liked the girl from the fortuneteller episode.

I could of had a girl like that but i thought i could do better and now a decade later... nothing.

Would love to see America destroyed.

ah yeah thats right malaponte i'm gonna ask this hinge girl about you and laugh when she has no idea who you are because you're a short little virgin

top poster u are, lad

have to do like 5 hours of zoom meetings today to stand in for university tutorials
might just mute the application and tab out to /brit/

cant handle a caniac combo you runt?

reckon lana rhodes is probably a goodhearted but dumb girl who got taken advantage of

/brit/ is genuinely becoming shit
been coming here for over 4 years now but it's going downhill rapidly, not even funny any more, just the same shit day in day out, it's just as miserable as /britfeel/ and most people here are bellends really
in the last year the only good thread was the guy with the giant bollock
gonna start searching for some new generals/boards on here i reckon

iowa is grimville


Hate the EU. Simple as.

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it's still technically my birthday lads


the current listening

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make an anti-brit

thing ya hard cuz ya scoh'ish???


I got exceedingly stoned once and ate two caniac combos and washed them down with two large sweet teas

for me, it's Admiral Ackbar

No it's not cunt

not really its kinda peaceful. Des moines is nice

phwoarr you beast

my brother has been teaching people on zoom
he does it in the kitchen-dining room so all the students see me in my dressing gown getting food lol

About to fight the Pokemon League in Emerald my current party is:

Wonder how long the lines are at kfc

its my dogs birthday on friday


>the daily shoah with trevor noah

For me, it's an alternate universe where dogs are the humans and the humans are the dogs, but I still somehow maintain my human intellect, whereas everyone else degrades intellectually.

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i would very much like to disband generals on this board
but no, /brit/ is here to stay unfortunately. i stopped going to /britpol/ and /britfeel/ for the same reasons

taking a poo
literally having brown logs drop out my anus as I type this

is it sexual sometimes?
yeah sure

i do want him romantically

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Zoomer faggot

haha, oh man, well.. so we didnt use this thread again for the new one
that is kind of a shame and things of that nature. this thread has been around for awhile and really wanted to be the /brit/! i know it is too late now for the time being, but maybe for the next one we can go into it. it's a really cool /brit/ that ends in TRIPLE DIGIT haha. would just be "bretty" sad not to use it hehe. just sayin... it's a great thread


what food items can i put hot sauce on

>people on Virgin had their internet cut out for ages earlier
>people on Virgin are STILL having internet outages despite them saying they've fixed it
>people on Virgin have to have static IPs
>people on Virgin have to be on a provider called fucking 'virgin'
Truly the most cucked people. Too bad they probably can't read this LMAO

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Absolutely hankering for a doner kebab, chips, meat feast pizza, 1/2lb burger, monster energy zero ultra, calamari and a few pints but I'm on a diet


I'm glad you offered to share with the class, johnny.

sounds a bit overkill
could probs beat the whole thing with just salamence

Good lad
Why didn't you evolve Mudkip? To get Hydro Pump?

why not all of them

Alri Emma.

im on virgin and mine's been fine since about 8pm

I never expected Cacturne to be great but it has served me really well and I managed to breeze through the last two gyms with it especially the Ice gym giving the type advantage. I might trade in Salamence for something like Weezing

just have half that way its half of the calories so you can have twice as much

I am officially done with brit
And thus Yas Forums
I don't relate anymore
Gimmicks don't do it for me

who are you with

Belly is important

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what is /brit/s favourite conspiracy theory?

>people on Virgin have to have static IPs
can change my ip by changing the MAC address on the router

see you tomorrow

Reckon if I have half that I can have 4 times as much

My mistake it was Swampert I had. My entire party is nearly level 50. Just grinding a little more before I face the Elite 4

golf rumours

No you won't

ctrl ctarl legend in my books


been feeling like this the last couple of days. might be because im on a comedown but every post just seems like annoying, childish drivel

space isnt real

what happens to slags when they age out?

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Using Weezing on Leaf Green right now

pandemic 1 currently my new favorite

the holocaust

yes I will
be quiet

Nice team but I wouldn't have bothered with Salamence, you can get Flygon and Altaria much earlier

Drinking a root beer and eating a nissin cup noodle. You might say i'm an international man

need a conspiracy theory gf to watch the Missing411 documentaries with

didnt know brits could hve frizzle fry voice

just reminded me i have some nissin in the cupboard.

Would be your gf but I'm a fat hairy man

don't trust that 411 guy 2bh, The Hunted was good though

was just watching the latest louis theroux on the westboro baptist church in topeka. there's a british guy who joined the church and got married to escape inceldom.

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what flavour?

>8 degrees and raining tomorrow
w-what? but the man said about the heatwave?

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this motherfucker so rich he has a car in his cupboard, fucking hate rich brits tb h

nearly finished Uncharted 3 lads
It's a decent 7/10 series, so far I'd rank them 2 > 3 > 1
they feel a bit too on rails though, and the characters fall a little flat
shall be playing Pokemon Black 2 after I'm done

wow cool it with the antisemitism

not liking your going outside anyway

should i have my first time with a prostitute to avoid being judged by a normal girl for not knowing what i'm doing

how hot is a heat wave in the uk

teriyaki and classic
