/MENA/ + /العرب الجرب/

طبعة الـــــــعــــــرب الـــــــــــجــــــــرب

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WTF I'm new here didn't think arabs were on this site?????? What does mena mean??

mena = العرب غير الجرب
العرب الجرب = العرب الجرب بدون mena

عدي شي اكوله الكم كسمكم >:)

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طيزك ناعم؟

WTF I can't read arabic I'm just an American serviceman here on duty please translate......

لا حبي خشن وانته

الـــــــعــــــرب الـــــــــــجــــــــرب؟؟

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يكول كسمك

كس امك

الجرب العرب اتفق

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Kurds are sub humans beings

>كس امك

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I'm sitting here in this shithole trying to better YOUR shithole and you give me THAT attitude??? Wow just WOW

Bro just chill

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I agree

بو صحبتي ڤارليملا كوجكلامك
إنسانلاري طنيماسينا راومن أولكمي ڤارولمياجكسين

violent clashes in lebanon, any chance for civil war perhaps?

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no civil war
tripoli is a refugee city it was always chaotic



وشلون تعرف عربي اذا مو فلسطيني

i studied some in school

are there arabs with a bigger inferiority complex than iraqis?

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kys we're not جarabs

holy fucking based! keep this up and I might give you my mom's secret Palestinian pastry recipes!

yes, say that a million times more, im sure that’ll change the opinions of far-rightists who will still lynch you for being an arab, which you are lole.

>American Politics

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>I cares about some random guys opinions on reddit

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>butthurt retorts solely consist of regurgitated sad ms paint man edits
arabcels sure do feel easily insecure about everything and anything

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