Nayib Bukele gave permission to the army and cops to kill maras (gangs) on sight in El Salvador

Nayib Bukele gave permission to the army and cops to kill maras (gangs) on sight in El Salvador.

Based and kino.

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What about the legal and moral implications?.
You can't just kill bad guys on sight.
Then you are as bad as them.

>moral implications
the what?

when will you fuck off you fucking kike

>Then you are as bad as them.
El Salvador is a narco state, there are no morals there.

is el salvador biggest shithole in central america?

based sultan

is he arab? wtf is that name?

$500 on this causing another civil war in el shitador, that reminds me, I haven't seen that pedo salvi user lately, did he get killed among this rising tide of violence there?

>On sight
How do they know they have the right people?
Would they just go out and shoot anyone with frace tattoos?

>Then you are as bad as them.
That makes no sense, stop getting your ethics from cape cartoons

palestine mutt


Salvadoreans are the chads at the Americas

>How do they know they have the right people?
rofl its not like theyre inconspicuous

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Agreed, but that can't be considered real evidence.

>Muh innocent until proven guilty in a court of law
Shut up, retard.

Thank you based Jews. Only a jew could save el Salvador

Greatest Ally to all LatAm. Please send more help

Why can't AMLO be this chad?

theyre gang members. just kill them.

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I never said I was against that, or in favor.
I'm just saying, you need to make sure without a doubt they're gang members.
I'm sure there are no idiots in Salvador that would get gang tattoos without being part off one, they would get killed.
But you as law enforcement can't take ink on their skin as evidence. You need prove of gang ACTIVITY.

Based, redpilled, kino and effay millenial president.

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Galician ancestry

Rightoids like to paint AMLO as an authoritarian politician but truth is he's the softest president we've had. I fucking wish he was the power hungry maniac people thought he was. Shit would be different.

Thats Honduras

>What about the legal and moral implications?.
>You can't just kill bad guys on sight.
>Then you are as bad as them.

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ah yes this can't abused in any way, no way there's any corrupt police or politicians ready to abuse this.

> In a 2015 interview he said that "I am not a person who believes much in the liturgy of religions. However, I believe in God, in Jesus Christ. I believe in his word, I believe in his word revealed in the Holy Bible. And I know that God does not reject anyone because of their origins.” In a 2019 Facebook post Bukele stated that he's “not religious".[3]
what a guy

When El Salvador turns into an unlivable shithole who will annex them?
I suggest splitting it between Guatemala and Honduras


Israel kills the good guys, not the bad guys.

Many Palestinian christians moved to Chile, El Salvador, Brazil and Honduras.

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