Are you having sex with indian women?

Are you having sex with indian women?

Attached: indo-european woman.webm (576x1024, 1.79M)

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>implying anyone here is having sex

I wish
This girl looks spicy
Too spicy for me?
What do you think?

no. I'll probably end up marrying one, they like me here

>Are you having sex with indian women?
As we speak

No any more...

Is that you Montae?

No my name isn't montae

I have never considered it. I don't really interact with them.

Some nasty Indian bitch living in Canada or the UK hating on the very same group that gave her various freedoms, freedom of expression, freedom of sexuality.
And now she mocks the white man?
How about that bitch goes back to India and get's SEX SEX SEX BOBS LASANGA from a hording of raping pajeets?

my gf is indian, so yes

Ah new Trini poster then...

How is Venezuelan invasion going?

Definitely too spicy for you.


>t. Muhammad bin laden

Lmao they're everywhere g, a bunch in my neighborhood

I heard it's much worse down south than it is in the north. However, the north is pretty shit so it balances out.

I am going to get me a desperate gold digger spanish gf

I noticed that alot of them seem to already have bfs

North is where all the rich people are lol
North/west moorings, ironically more crime up there though and more covid cases

Well, I had one that was interested in me when she thought I was Canadian.

She really presented herself from her best side in this one.
The other videos are disappointing.

West Moorings and maaaaybe certain parts of Diego Martin...the rest is shit bruv

Shit I may have missed my chance and you bastards shut down all travel

explain the side thing here.

The problem with Indian women is that they have no vagina, just an anus.

>Are you having sex with indian women?
she is 100% pure aztec

Lol which of you guys did this?

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 6.58.48 PM.png (504x860, 458.27K)

currydoomer, I want to ejaculate in you.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 7.00.43 PM.png (1279x850, 723.23K)

Yes they love it when I tell them to call me abu jaan

Is this bitch unironically spamming Yas Forums for tiktok views?

Have sex!!!

only place where people might simp for such a unfuckable street shitter

One of her tiktoks blew up and it has 500,000 views and all the right wing forums love it.