

Attached: markansas.gif (508x502, 31.35K)

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>EGF wants to video call again tonight
looks like im gonna see some cheeks tonight lads

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opinions on the West Memphis 3?

you lads reckon the West Memphis Three did it?


love are kansas

absolutely despise yanks

>dot gif
get fucked

thinking of moving to the ole 'saw ledz

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need to shag a milf

every Yas Forums yank is an atheist mutt cuckold

fucking HATE rural retards, inbred ignorant 40 iq twats who want the whole of England to be grass and farmers

>De Queen, Arkansas

yee haw
*keelhauls you*

When we go back to work I’m going to shag my coworker who’s been dropping hints

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if arkansas is pronounced ark-an-saw why isn't kansas pronounced kan-saw?

Dark elf gf lads

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something on your mind, lad?

im here for you :) xx

>pronounced arkansaw

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you fancy a laugh? ask a yank to say this word

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Whats your earliest memory?

>every Yas Forums yank is an atheist mutt cuckold

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England would be dramatically improved if 75% of the people just disappeared

Broke up with the gf last night. Sad, but had to be done.


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Ah yes, evening /brit/ where only half the posters are actually british hmm yes



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1. They were convicted, which was upheld on appeal.
2. They freely pleaded guilty, after requesting the plea deal, despite the imminent prospect of retrials.
3. Despite millions of dollars and high-priced lawyers, no exonerating evidence has been uncovered.
4. The guy accused of murder with occult overtones just completed a book on his primary obsession — ritual “magick.”
5. Another of the killers has confessed multiple times — to police, to state troopers driving him to prison on the day he was convicted, to his defense lawyer with his hand on a Bible, to prosecutors over the objections of his attorneys in the same room, to prosecutors again, to acquaintances, to a fellow inmate and to a friend the day after the killings whose polygraph indicates his confession story was true.
6. Investigative journalism had little to do with their release. “Devil’s Knot” tried to build a case against an alternative suspect that was laughable at the time and generally repudiated. This story fails to mention any books that actually build the case for guilt, such as “Abomination” or “Blood on Black,” other than “Blood of Innocents,” which was written while the case was still developing. (It’s still very much worth seeking out).
7. Echols and Misskelley both failed polygraphs. Baldwin refused to cooperate with police in any manner.
8. None of the three has a credible alibi — the cases for Echols and Misskelley suffered from demolished presentations of alibis in court. Echols currently claims the phone call girls as alibis, even though their statements made him look guilty and they offered no alibi

Good man, proud of ya

big fan of yanks irl but rag on them online because it's funny



9. Misskelley and Echols both exhibited special knowledge of the crime in their contacts with police. Echols was caught lying about the source of this knowledge before the jury.
10. Echols was seen walking from the murder scene with muddy clothes by multiple members of a family who knew him and reported the sighting to police within days of the killings.
11. Listening to heavy metal, black T-shirts and funny haircuts were common to many teens and even adults in West Memphis. A policeman who questioned Baldwin wore a black Grim Reaper T-shirt. These factors were not the basis of arrests or convictions.
12. “Satanic panic,” if it can be said to have occurred at all, first made headlines when Misskelley described his involvement in a Satanic cult in his confession and Echols’ boasts of being a witch became public knowledge. The first mention of “satanists” in the record was made by Echols when describing who may have killed the boys. “Satanic Panic,” properly understood as public hysteria largely without foundation, never occurred. The public was understandably scared and perhaps even hysterical because of the strange, senseless killings of three innocent children.
13. Echols had an extensive history of being violent and mentally ill. Misskelley had similarly been charged with assaulting children. Both were well known to law enforcement.
14. Documentaries on the case are one-sided, leaving out huge amounts of relevant information.
15. Michael Moore, Christopher Byers and Stevie Branch were brutally beaten and tortured by the West Memphis 3 — and should never be forgotten

took xanax once
felt a bit sleepy but was also smoking so really had no effect
took twice as much another time
woke up at 5pm the next day, apparently had been up, talking and taking more the whole night but dont remember a single thing

couldnt imagine a runtier drug

get a egf, its fantastic.


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well it was her fault for holding hands with Trevva

i thought they were innocent until i saw this pic on wikipedia

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maisie is the definition of greng

ok but why isn't kansas pronounced kansaw

yeah don’t get how people use them as a party drug, even with stimulants I just end up blacking out


watching some RLM

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Imagine embarrassing yourself and being proud if it


It's nice to relax on it
Bad to abuse desu
Can imagine a dozen runtier drugs

i'm catholic


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i dunno how to post direct links
but its the latest one

the fact is if the west memphis three were country music fans they wouldn't even have been questioned

anyone else actually proper full on fucking despise yanks

me too

pretty much certain Echols and Misskelly were involved but i'm unsure if Baldwin was

All drugs are runty

Arkansas was named for the French plural of a Native American tribe, while Kansas is the English spelling of a similar one. Since the letter "s" at the end of French words is usually silent, we say what sounds like "Arkansaw."

she teaches at oxford brookes

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how did you possibly get that i was proud of that from my post, was quite an unnerving experience
i'd never take it again, just not for me

Not a pixel

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like we needed any more proof of british superiority

sucking a golf ball

You'd better be teetotal if you're gonna say that with a straight dace

this is all bollocks btw

>Since the letter "s" at the end of French words is usually silent, we say what sounds like "Arkansaw."

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For me, it's Jacksonville


spotted the virgin

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*studio audience erupts into raucous laughter*

>who want the whole of England to be grass and farmers


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just got this through my letterbox

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We simply illegally import cigarettes from Singapore mate

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Fucking hairline going

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ya dun goofed

never drunk
never smoked
never done drugs
am i based or cringe?

>Oxford Brookes University is ranked somewhere between 400 and the 500 place

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the question is not if they did it or not
the questions is if there was enough evidence to convict them of the crime
and there was not

any /shagger/ man in

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I'm in love

doing a listen
to what you may ask? what indeed

>A civilian woman performs oral sex on a GI in exchange for cigarettes, Passau, Germany, World War II, May 1, 1945.jpeg


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Currently tee total lads
Miss pints
Miss gear
Miss weed
Miss ket
Miss opiates
Miss ciggies
Might just start doing psychedelics to fill the void

really makes you think

Mass Surveillance, an extremely intelligent person's guide: Arguments for and against.

>People Who Don't Like It
-People who like anime, those who often watch loli (child) anime/pornography.
-People into weird sex games, perverted stuff or extreme fetishes.
-Privacy is a moral and natural right that cannot be infringed.
-Why does the government need to know everything about me.
-Mass Surveillance is often used to support cringy and non-helpful agendas instead of improving society.
-Most mass surveillance is done by third parties and private businesses which doesn't improve society just makes us a commodity.

>People Who Love It
-Millennials and Z**mers who think that every tech fad is cool and sick bro
-Intelligence Agencies (Big Up MI6 and the Gang)
-People pushing stupid and unhelpful agendas.
-Privacy has been eroded by the state because of needs to combat terrorism and other modern crimes, not collecting data is simply going to allow more people to be harmed.
-The classic muh nothing to hide
-Enforce laws etc.

Conclusion: nothing will change you massive idiot, if you are unironically against it then too bad bucko everything is already compromised.

>inb4 didn't read. don't care etc.
did I ask do i care not really

depends, are you genetically predisposed to addiction? e.g. are/were either of your parents/grandparents addicts?

*reports you to the police*

Richard Branson needs arresting

lads whats the status on barbers opening
need a haircut pronto


why does never work? :(
2 years and it never works...

It's actually incredible how much whitey bullshit POCs have to put up with outside of more race-related boards such as this one and Yas Forums. I only recently realized how many black people post on other Yas Forums boards.

Echols confessed multiple times to various people unprovoked and Misskelly literally told them exact details of the crime scene that hadn't been released to the public. only one who shouldn't have been convicted was Baldwin

She actually does also teach on a women's studies masters.as Oxford university... Still, she's a moron

FUCK virgin media


Grow your hair out lad


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this is all bullshit btw

>women's studies

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>you are either a literal paedophile or a GCHQ agent
bit of a false generalisation init

incomprehensible post

Just shows how infantile the Germans were, and how they can't be blamed for (and likely are incapable of committing) the genocide of Poles, homos, and gypsies

God he looks fucking incredible

Reckon he's doing it on purpose because of the bailout business

I like drugs but I'm not cool enough to have regular access to them

she's BEGGING to be filled with a bbc

no, normal people are redditors

shut up.

reckon foucault was gay cause he knew pussy was a prison

any good nursing tiktoks?

Are my people still giving you bullshit in Springdale and Paragould?

How do you stay hard with all your mates around you watching?

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one of my neighbours is a black family so i just knocked on their door and asked if they could sort me out with some weed and they gave me a lads snap in like 15 seconds without question

Have greasy hair and wear a cap. People will approach you offering meth day in day out

if your city doesnt have a large black market for tobacco, it means your city hates you

reckon the government should have unrestricted power

Sheltered freak

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he was pro-pedophile

you look like a soft spoken virgin

such a meaningless crap post

since when are redditors normal people
redditors are just overgrown children who never grew up because they lacked a strong father figure growing up


probably hadnt so much as seen a woman in weeks
doubt they had much time to wank as well

>there are """""people""""" in /brit/ who live in cities

Any virgin media lad in? I didn't know there were issues earlier in the day, but is everyone getting them again now?

>black market for tobacco

lmao fuckin leftypol city governments

Nothing wrong with living in the beautiful city of Bath

haha yeah it's great living a 30 minute drive away from the shops x

Jesus fucking christ. Just cringed me nut off. What an annoying bint.

also included millenials and gen z
there's your normal people
redditors are far more normal compared to autists on Yas Forums, at least in this current culture

Bath has the best of both worlds, nice looking small city surrounded by some lovely countryside

Bath Lads rise up

>-People who like anime, those who often watch loli (child) anime/pornography.
>-People into weird sex games, perverted stuff or extreme fetishes.
all me

>-Privacy has been eroded by the state because of needs to combat terrorism and other modern crimes,
>not collecting data is simply going to allow more people to be harmed.