People don't develop immunity to COVID-19

>people don't develop immunity to COVID-19
is the world over? How will we ever recover?

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Just wait for a vaccine, it will be treated like any other disease after it.

>people don't develop immunity to COVID-19
they do

You gain a limited level of resistance, but not full proof.

We have to wait for the vaccines to be developed and reach a critical mass so that it cannot propagate in any significant numbers. That will probably happen within most first-world nations in two years, except, maybe America where they're probably going to have a vaccine civil war when the MAGAtards flip their shit over the federal vaccination programme.

Don't worry bro we are already doing clinical trials for a vaccine

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Either people develop immunity or this virus will just be a fact of life for many years as a vaccine will do nothing. They most likely do develop immunity however based on SARS and MERS, though that immunity generally lasts 2 to 3 years only.

I can understand the WHO being reticent to say people are immune after recovery, it could undermine containment effects as people want it out of the way quickly.

>get vaccinated by german "vaccine"
>suddently can't get erections
>suddently start to develop breasts and lactate

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Enjoy your injected animal cells, bros

As opposed to bleach?

but it will take another year to mass produce if the vaccine works.

vaccine won't work if people don't develop immunity for the virus

Better than getting super aids.

Not an anti-vaxxer. But I'll never take a coronavirus vaccine. Same with yearly flu vaccines.

Also, "trial" is meaningless.

that's why you always get knocked off by flu. you anti-vaccine faggot

Does that mean that it stays in your body forever or does it mean that you're at risk of getting it again from another source?

Nothing wrong with it if it's stop this fuckery

>"trial" is meaningless
In what way is it meaningless?

Don't really care tee bee aych

Attached: Me in 5 Years.jpg (640x500, 62.74K)

No one knows yet.

I'm pretty sure that you do get immunity to COVID-19. All the cases of relapses were just infections worsening after a false negative.

You will always be at risk of getting it again. Viruses mutate and evolve, that's why vaccines need to be renewed every year or every couple of years.

It means you're at risk of getting it again. We don't know if it's because of multiple strains, if the virus is mutating too fast, or if it's just a method of how SARS-CoV-2 is functioning. All we know is that people who already suffered from COVID-19 and fought it off and developed anti-bodies are coming back into the hospital weeks or months later with the same disease. I mean it could be a retrovirus but it's very unlikely. People are probably relaxing because they believe they have immunity but don't actually have it so they catch it again.

wow das tribal af I hope I get injected with the spirit of the hawk heya heyaaaa

meant for Do you have any source for this?

>for SARS

Omer, SB; Malani, P; del Rio, C (6 April 2020). "The COVID-19 Pandemic in the US A Clinical Update". JAMA.

>Presently, there is no validated immune correlate of protection for SARS-CoV-2, ie, antibody level or another immunological marker associated with protection from infection or disease.
>It is unclear from the available information if these were true reinfections or the tests were falsely negative at the time of initial discharge.
Did you even read the paper? Because it states the opposite of what you said in

that would be the israeli vaccine

Not all of us are special enough to inject bleach, user.



The world is over. We won't recover.