Would you give up your national sovereignty and agree to become her slave if she made you worship her feet and lick her pussy?
Would you give up your national sovereignty and agree to become her slave if she made you worship her feet and lick her pussy?
Yes. I'm dying to be a foot/pussy slave
fuck no
Straight simpin'
send me to a labor camp mommy
Did someone work on that jaw or is this just good genes?
why is the legend of korra so bad compared to aang? The same authors and creators worked on both shows.
it's shopped
Feetfags are disgusting
i never really got the hype around the the series tbqh. I'd probably like if it it was a kid and that makes sense since it's a kid's show but i don't get how adults get into it. there's no tension in half the fights because the characters are always making unfunny quips and gags and the main character solved too much shit by just going into his super saiyan mode.
Still going with this retarded meme?
Jesus christ
Only if I'm forced to lick her thighs every single day.
"I want this swarthy European in the work camps NOW!"
The main writer of AtLA was gone for Korra
>the main character solved too much shit by just going into his super saiyan mode
aang only goes super saiyan a few times in the whole series. most action anime are way worse. fucking dbz is just constant super saiyan asspull with legitimately no tension in any fights. the fact that aang actually loses multiple fights puts ATLA above like 95% of action anime
Watch a new show, read a new book.
What do korean womens feet look like? And their soles?
This, he never even uses the avatar state in any of his fights until the finale
Kim Jong il pick the correct girl
Strong jaw women = alpha kids
idk it's been a while maybe that complaint was BS i just thought it was lame when he beat the final boss by ultimately just going into avatar state and wrecking him
Aaron Ehasz, who was the lead writer in the last airbender was completely absent until the last season of Korra. Unfortuantely most of the lore was unsalvagable after the Vaatu and Raava garbage, so they had to play the lgbt card so a bunch of trannies and tomboys will end up slurping the remains of the shitty series
i kinda agree that the final fight is boring outside of the great animation. its a lot more one sided than you would expect but for better or worse thats intentional. the avatar is supposed to be a superman tier OP force that nobody can really compete with, and the entire journey of the series is aang working towards mastering the avatar powers. so the final fight is the big payoff where all of aangs training culminates in him being this unstoppable force and the best way to show that off is to have him thrash the most powerful non-avatar in the world.
never in a million years would i do that. first of all, feet are pretty gross and id not put my mouth on the unless they fresh from a shower, and eating pussy isnt very fun or enjoyable. it actually hurts after awhile. put your fingers an inch away from your mouth, and try licking them and applying pressure to them with your tongue, now imagine doing that for more than 5 minutes. sounds easy i bet right? well, actually try doing it.
no, I'm high test
The MC is female and a dyke
not really. actually iirc the original idea was to have him go into it whenever he wants, like a powerup but as it turned out he only went into it when he lost control or his life was in danger. aang is weak as fuck most of the time. just deflects with air and runs away, which is kinda the point.
well i don't see how else they'd do it. once he has all the elements even if he's mediocre he can beat anyone. the conflict wasn't the fight but aang conflicting with himself and his identity over having to kill him. literally everyone, including past avatars, are like who cares bro just kill him but he doesn't, and preserves his identity as the last of his nation, conserving it.
This. Also asians have really weird gross tasting and smelling vaginas. no way jose
but thats the redeeming qualities
I wish the internet would stop existing because unfunny cunts keep aytention whoring over shit that shouldnt go further than a joke between you and your best friend.