Gli Italiani hanno la memoria corta

Gli Italiani hanno la memoria corta...

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you can't understand french fuck off
and Brazilians but no Portuguese and Hispanics. I know a latrino made this

Yall both gotta go back

io voto PD


>brazilian is the blonde guy
>french is the spic

Both are spics

Gli Italiani hanno il culo sudati

Unironically me right now

zitto animale

I don't know if italians, spaniards and portuguese can understand each other but I sure as hell can't understand them

i can read french just fine, just don't ask me to speak it

I can understand (from most to least):

Spanish (native)

>speak a couple visgoth snow-nigger dialects of latin
>pretend you actually speak multiple languages and not just a couple regional dialects
Why do Eurangutans do this? Arab speaks aren't like this, Chinese aren't like this. Anglos only brag about speaking "UK English and American English" as a joke. Yet wops will jerk each other off about """"speaking three languages"""""" when it's literally just bonjour/buona giornata/buen día like that's somehow harder than using 'Howdy' when you're in cowboy country and "Hello" when you're around Yanks.


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El franchutANO señores

>culo sudati
è culo sudato imbecille, impara a scrivere

shut the fuck up angloid

dicasi basato

Gli Italiano hanno il culo puzzolenti

i understand them jsut fine but im not sure i want to

Não compreende nem mesmo a nossa escrita?

I can respect that. Aside from a few books from university that had no translation I can't say I have spent too much time trying to understand frog-speak

Realistically I can understand half of what a french or an Italian says if they don't speak fast

i will say, spic memes are worse than italian ones
at least "e lui o non e lui" was funny, /hilo latino/ is garbage

Just like the reality, Mbongo.

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Callate puto

no tu
no tu
non tu

Aren't leafs supposed to bilinguals?

Yes but we are actually bilingual since we speak a Germanic language and a Romance language.

Only Quebec

Spanish/Italian/Portuguese are crazy similar, French is very different.

Spic memes are arab/indian tier when it comes to how stupid they are, it's like there are levels of humor and we simply haven't evolved to the next one yet

this meme was made by someone who only speaks english
no one cares about french, portuguese or italian memes here

an anglo made this 100%