
And no Krauts either

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i liek poop :DDD

Does this happen in Britain?

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>there are niggers in /brit/


>decide to use the german proxy for a change
>brits start instantly seething and spamming their same regurgitated content because of their massive obsession and inferiority complex towards germany

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So that's how they make british beer.

Why do they hate us so?

Pretty much you everything you could want to know about women you can learn about from female twitter memes

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what's up buds

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Unironically yes, I did this when I was a kid.

Unfathomably based post and poster.

Because you fucks hate us. This board made me hate Krauts because you hate us.

was ghana nice?

I prefer Vegemite to Marmite.

had a page 3 drawer which was equally embarassing when found out

Show me a good gimique

>Because you fucks hate us.

But I unironically love you.

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thanks mate.

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only Germans on Yas Forums (read: incels) hate Brits
normal Germans like Britain
but normal Brits legit seem to dislike Germany

*an okay but not great gimmick*

>loving Czech but hating Austria and Switzerland
>loving Estonia and Latvia but not Lithuania
>haha Greece and Croatia but fuck Eastern Europe!!
you're a meme

>but normal Brits legit seem to dislike Germany

They hate us. Absolutely hate us. Whenever I'm in Britain outside of London, I tell people I'm either Dutch or Austrian so they won't beat me up.

why would the british like you
am interested in a reason why

it's the Bavarian homo who keeps spamming his autism

Your mom's face is a meme, you piece of shit.

hilarious how insanely assblasted bongs get about yanks

they really are seething about being cucked by their former colony lol

There is no autism in Bavaria.

who posting in this thread in 2020???

nah if I were british I would hate 99% of americans too. it's warranted

because it isn't the 1940s anymore? Germany has made a big effort to peacefully bring Europe together and legit acts as a stabilizing and reasoning force in the world today
not even that you would need to particularly like us, but all that anti-German rhetoric you hear from Brexit supporters especially is a bit strange

autistic post.

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>Germany has made a big effort to peacefully bring Europe together and legit acts as a stabilizing and reasoning force in the world today

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Your mom's face is an autistic post, you piece of shit.

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