Should Sweden and Finland unite?
They already share hundreds of years with common history as they were both the same country for about 700 years, they could bring back their glorious past
Should Sweden and Finland unite?
They already share hundreds of years with common history as they were both the same country for about 700 years, they could bring back their glorious past
Unions is old shit. Ultra balkanization is much more aweomse
Why the fuck would we want Sweden?
uh based
>Should Sweden and Finland unite?
Because Germanic blood unites us
Hail Odin!
Bus sw*des are literally gerries and Finns are Uralic BVLLS
I am a Germanic
Odin guides me through the night
You're a fake Finnish
We never had a union with them so not sure how that would work. I'm pretty sure most Swedes and Finns would be against that. Military cooperation and defense pacts is good but it wasn't even that long since Finland became independent
Uralic >>> G*rmanic
Real Finns and Swedes are the same people
Mongols out
1. France
2. No, pois pakkoruotsi
haha i think so
go back to sw*den, hurri
Are Swedes also Uralic people? WTF? I did not know that. This is new information for me, not sure if I like Sweden anymore. We are surrounded by Asians, help.
Watch yourself, pigskin.
During times of swedish rule many finns migrated to main sweden. Forrest finns are example of that. Prince daniels grandmothers family came from central finland and were most likely called seppänen. There are actually a lot of Finnish in swedish blood about half of swedes have some Finnish ancestry. Ofcourse swedes are naturally shamed of that too.
the great finnish cope
That finns are our brothers. Its a delusion.
Your royal family will always from now on posses the eternal N1c haplogroup.
Do people even say this unironically? Average finn actually hates sweden or at least have a mild dislike for them.
oof that cope
Im actually such a newfag i dont even know what coping means.
maybe you should go back to school and freshen up on your english so that you can learn and stray away from your obsession of sweden
Now that is a cope
>have a mild dislike for them.
Very very very based
such a smoothbrain
hahhahahahahaahahaha COPE
hahhahahahahaahahaha COPE
hahhahahahahaahahaha COPE
i can smell the jealousy