It really do be like that

It really do be like that

Attached: 1587904811658.png (1314x813, 1023.44K)


A good half of us really deserve to die don’t we


Brutal quint of absolute truth, maybe I deserve to die too...

I want her to buttdrop on my face and let out a massive toot

there goes the buffet

>The obesity
>The hispanic man
>The soulless look in their eyes
>The title
>The vapid social media
This is the most American photo I've seen in a very long time.

How would i, a 190cm tall 75kg young man be seen in america?

Same as me, no one cares.

Wish they didn't block the view of the best thing of being American though.

like a twig boy

food in potential

link? I can't find the video on youtube

Dubs confirm it. I'll get the rope bro.


They're perfectly normal weight

They are olmecs not hispanics

Attached: GettyImages-185295512-5c4b1deb46e0fb0001119fbd.jpg (1333x1000, 387.59K)

Same race

do americans really??


Attached: mexican (olmec) warrior.png (493x623, 476.99K)

Native OLMECstanis not amerikkk*ns

Attached: olmec states of america.png (960x523, 24.42K)

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for olmec children.

Tenemos que aseguarar la existencia de nuestra gente y un futuro para los niños olmecas.

Attached: olmec phenotype + flag.jpg (1920x2880, 1.54M)

You are not allowed here, this is an olmec ethnostate.

Attached: average mexican olmec.jpg (2880x1920, 3.35M)

Lmao fuccboi

fuck you mean, its a good weight


same race

fuckboy means girls find you attractive

cope .

Attached: pure olmec phenotype.jpg (386x397, 104.7K)

Can someone post the video? Couldn’t find it.
