
Bloat edition


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like it or not this is what peak performance looks like


da gi ebam site magjari

ebi ti magjari, ja magjarki ke ebam

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fuj jaglenogoracka, na sloncugata gazot da mu go rascvetam

Wow calm down, buddy.

Goddamn that's sad
Delete now please

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I ate your mom and left

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Go away coronachan


Repressed gay feelings towards Slony in particular.


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Ma kakvi represirani ima da go nadenam posle u kesa da treba da sere


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a be pedercino bitolska

Kopilj ne go brani oti ke ti go rascvetam gazo i tebe

iki on a bench

iki's birthday

iki's midlife crisis

te napagam deka si buljas, taman rabota slonot da go branam, ke mi trebaat tri golmani za tolkava meta da odranam

/balk/ is superior to /ex-yu/, I finally see the truth

Welcome brate.

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Smrt slovenima i sloqni zhivotinji balkan samo za albanci


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>taman rabota slonot da go branam, ke mi trebaat tri golmani za tolkava meta da odranam



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sammo taqa bratë shqxiptar shqlaveli oqupatori

why did it took you so long to acknowledge this, laziness to open the thread or what

Does sloni really have a trap gf?

qifsha nonen sitee shkije

yes and she fantasizes about getting destroyed by big balkan cocks every day

Qe dogje vreme kad qe osllovogjeno iliria so nashih anatolski braqa

RIP Sneed

No matter how much you posts you delete, how much you mosques you burn, how much Muslims you kill, how much bridges you blow up, how much archdukes you kill, how much Russian semen you drink. You will always remain a vermin.

Reevaluate your lives.


Did Sloni get b&?

Nope, I somehow managed not to get banned at all today. But I was blocked from posting twice.

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No, he has a PASS

>Montenigger stopped replying after I proved him wrong about his yet another ignorant drivel about Ottomans

Just how many times I have to put him down like ths. I am tired of BTFoing him, but he’s not tired of grtting BTFO. Insane.

Why do you even bother? You can't kill that which has no life.

>he is still coping after the thread ended

cope harder turklette

He stopped replying because he doesn't want to be exposed as the Russo Janny.

Silence, roach

Dajte puska da go utepam slonot, samo neka e nad 7.62mm da mozam da mu ja probijam kozata debela i mrsna

another win for team turkey, one step closer to being white, I berieve in you roachbro

Because if you don't put them back to their places one day you will wake up that two thirds of your house has been stolen by them.

Why is he such a fucking pajeet?

Zamisli da bidesh toj smotan koj treba da mu eba cela familija shto reportira sekoj post tuka, ni fyrombey e u toj stepen

Im 28
Theres only trash women left for me

There is nothing to cope. I moped the floor with him, he went to janny, janmy went berserk and deleted everything I said while his posts stood thought he was also being “disrespectful” too. That is the only way he could ever win against me. There is nothing much to talk about because I’m done. Sikilmiş götün davası olmaz.