Is it true Ukrainians are darker / more exotic-looking than Russians?

Is it true Ukrainians are darker / more exotic-looking than Russians?

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Sounds like an improvement.

not really they sort of look the same to me


unironically yes.

Name of the painting on the left?

yes, but they have the same face structure

>Is it true Ukrainians are darker / more exotic-looking than Russians?
What's exotic about being dark? The vast majority of people have a dark complexion. Pale and blond people are a small minority that gets proportionally smaller each year that goes by.

you sound like a globalist

Exotic is a function of where you live. No need to be autistic about it


Ukranians look Bulgarian t b h. Hell, the girl in your picture even wears a folk dress similar to Bulgarian folk dresses.

Yes. More Turkish traits unironically
(Idk how that works)


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Definition of exotic: originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country.

Turks look like Arabs. What you are talking about are Turkic traits.Turks(turkish) =/= turkic people even if they have a turkic minority and larp as turkics.

I don't get the posts in this thread. Since when are Ukrainians "dark" or "darker" the Russians. We are actually dark compared to East Slavs.

>Definition of exotic: originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country.
Yes and to the vast majority of people, blondes are exotic.

but to a mostly blonde country, dark features would be exotic right?

Haгopнoв, Бapыня-Cyдapыня.

True... but to me exotic has always meant darker or nonwhite. A blonde person would never strike me as exotic

It is said Ukrainians have darker features and more Turkic facial features (long curved nose, mongoloid eyes). Romanians too


>A blonde person would never strike me as exotic
Yes but you're talking to an international group of people. In the Phillipines, "blueberry" and "apple" are listed as exotic tastes.

If you ask a Greek if Ukranians look Exotic he won't answer you "yeah, they look pretty dark"

Yes, ukrainians girls are beautiful raven haired beauties

Men are ugly typical slavs though

>Is it true Ukrainians are darker / more exotic-looking than Russians?
Which sort of Russians?

Fact: Ukrainians are darker than Russians from North-West, Ural, Siberia and Far East regions.

Are Ukrainians darker than Russians from Central European region (Moscow e.g.)? Probably yes.

Are Ukrainians darker than Southern Russians aka Kubanoids and Cossacks? I doubt it.

Ukraine is also a very heterogeneous country.

The largest number of dark-haired and dark-eyed Ukrainians in western Ukraine.
The largest number of fair-haired and light-eyed Ukrainians in the northeastern Ukraine, near Belarus

Well there's features other than pigmentation that go into "exotic looking", mainly facial features. For example an East Asian person is exotic in Southern Europe/MENA despite having (mostly) the same pigmentation. That's basically what I meant in the OP.

>If you ask a Greek if Ukranians look Exotic he won't answer you "yeah, they look pretty dark"
come on man. we are nordic. dont do us like that

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What the fuck you are talking about ?

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From what I heard the southern and eastern parts of the Ukraine were subject to heavy Russian colonization were they invited thrive from Greeks and Serbs to Russians to move there

*invited everyone
