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Brandon Young
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Angel Myers
cant wait for more blacks to die
Easton Clark
de Usar y tirar
Isaac King
Americans said that after 60,000 deaths it will end though, so we're very close to extinguishing the virus permanently.
Levi Morgan
Unless 10 millions blacks die, this coronavirus situation would not change the demographics at all.
Christian Ramirez
Can't wait for the hollywood movie of this, in which your people and your president save the world again
Luke Powell
Isaac Walker
>Almost a million cases
come on baby give me those 150k dead
Benjamin Hill
ya becuase its not any worse than the flu funny how that works
Aiden Rivera
Why do those morons think 9/11 was bad again and how the hell did they manage to put a man on the moon before the actually intelligent superpower (which unfortunately had the wrong economic system) did?
Jason Long
9/11 was bad not because it was the leading cause of death, but because they tried to mess with the best.....
and the best don't mess.
But yeah by death count 9/11 is a nothing burger compared to like cancer or heart disease or car accident or accidental falls or da floo
Elijah Lopez
>how the hell did they manage to put a man on the moon before the actually intelligent superpower
They had help from Germans.
Gavin Ortiz
Yas Forumscels told me it would be a million dead here by now so we are doing better than expected
Joshua Garcia
Are they flattening the curve like us Europussies? We can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Michael Mitchell
There's not even that many people in torr country
Nicholas Johnson
Thread movie:
William Garcia
You still have to wait for a vaccine. Flattening the curve isn't about solving the problem, it's about not putting too much pressure on the healthcare system all at once.
Joseph Thomas
euros were too aggressive with their plans, now you have to stay in complete lockdown until a vaccine comes out because your population is still susceptible to a powerful outbreak
Jordan Johnson
But with fewer cases we can start doing stuff again. Everyone infected with the Wuhan flu should have the symptoms by now.
Brody Turner
SO GLAD we can go BACK TO WORK sooner than those europooses
god bless president trump!
Kevin Russell
We are not in lockdown. I can go outside and do groceries. Only public gatherings are banned.
Kayden Martinez
Whole thing is a nothing burger remember when Florida dragged their feet on closing the beach and everyone was sure Florida was going to be New York x 1000?
Yeah pretty much everywhere I care about. Nowhere ever blew up Italy style, even New York "flattened the curve". Might just be their hitting herd immunity though since 1 in 4 in NYC have antibodies already.
We're still behind well behind the Netherlands fwtw
Jaxon Reed
are bars and restaurants open?
Leo Cox
Sweden never "locked down".
Several US states didnt bother either.
South Korea and Japan and most of China (outside Hubei which had a real lockdown) didn't bother.
Makes approx. zero difference as far as the numbers show, lockdown is just meme-tier bs to make boomers feel safer. It only works if you do a hardcore LOCKdown like Hubei Style.
Cooper Hughes
It hasn't been a Wuhan flu for hundreds of generations. Do you call your own family African?
Carson Cooper
We fucked up big time by ignoring it. We celebrated carnival and when everyone suddenly ended up in the hospital we started to take it a little more serious. Good to hear that it slowly gets better.
Jayden Rodriguez
Everyone will eventually have the virus by the end of the summer
Jace Brooks
i wonder if the obsessed nonamericans on this board understand that the US has a population as big as spain, italy, france, germany and the UK combined
also the OP is chink diaspora who has made the same threads every day
Joshua Wright
Summer has actually been cancelled.
Eli Foster
Why do you have so many children? Have some self control.
Joseph Cooper
Half the number of Americans who died in the First World War. Just a cold bro
Easton Jenkins
at least 50% of the people who have it show no symptoms
antibody and random testing done all over europe and the US show that exponentially more cases than what can be reported
Brody Thomas
>Nowhere ever blew up Italy style,
I think someone should check to see if North Italy just had teeny tiny hospitals to begin with. The entire justification of Italian-style ""lockdowns"" (memedowns) hinges on the fact that Italian hospitals overflowed. And we can't let our hospitals do the same, so we also need an Italian-style "lockdown" where we all #stayhome for the sake of hospital capacity.
But instead, everywhere else on planet earth including in places harder hit than Italy, including in places with zero lockdown, there's no shortage of beds or vents.
The only conclusion is that Italians are much more sensitive to the virus (Italian-strain more virulent theory, BCG theory etc)...OR (my own theory), Italian have tiny hospitals. Someone please look into this.
Juan Nelson
WWI was a meme war and we kicked its ass shortly after joining. Even bigger meme than WWIII. The only something burger war we were ever involved in was our Civil War.
I think I maybe already had it. I felt kinda achy maybe a few weeks ago.
Dominic Ward
Are drinking the China propaganda? Deceases are named where they come from. Like the Ebola river, Lyme Connecticut, Zika Uganda.
Jacob Howard
Xavier James
we will all ask ourselves during those action scene
i was sat at home
Brandon Perez
>That Shostakovich illustration
>Putting the hammer and sickle behind Shosty instead of Khachaturian
>Not even his best/most important pieces listed in the background
Luis Brown
Your country sucked at the Civil War.
Nolan Morris
>country with a population of 300-350 million has more cases than countries with less than 100 million
i'm shocked
Caleb Edwards
Shut up leaf.
Julian Diaz
eurangutans at stupid
Camden Lewis