1. your cunt

1. your cunt
2. at what age does it become creepy to date high school girls? what about university girls?

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dating high school girls over the age of 19 is considered creepy
University girls being over the age of 27 is creepy


>at what age does it become creepy to date high school girls?
35 or so
>what about university girls?
Never, they're legal. A real man doesn't give a fuck

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>Never, they're legal.
So are 14yos, what's your point?

>1. your cunt
your cunt, duh.
>2. at what age does it become creepy to date high school girls?
we don't have high schools, you retarded FT scum. we're brit system. it's primary >secondary > JC/Pre-U/Poly > University .

you could have at least duckduckgoed.

Besides that a relationship between a 14 years old girl and a 50yo man wouldn't work for a variety of reasons, you'll rather avoid all the trouble that is implied. However I don't think it would be as troublesome for a 50yo man to date a 21yo girl

Nobody would let a 21yo date a 50yo
The "problem" is she still lives with her family (or still depends from it), therefore both consent and every decision about such weird relationships would have to be approved by her family

>21 year old adults are still dependent on their family

Flag checks out

Not owning your house, attending a meme-college (European high school level), live in rent (plus college debt if american) and wageslave just to say "hurr durr look at me I'm so independent" is as a meme as Americans saying they are free

My dad started dating my mom when he was 25 and she was 18 (a high school senior) and imo thats borderline creepy

>Nobody would let a 21yo
A 21yo person doesn't need permission for anyone to make its own decisions. Even if she lives with her parents, it's still an adult

>older man
The bigger the gap, the more gigachad he is

wow, Korean girls are so tall for an Asian

I get you are South American, but are you just retarded or pretending to bait (you)s?
You clearly understood what I meant.

35 for high schoolers and 42 for university but sometimes uni girls are hoes and don't accept allah's rules so

Koreans are taller than Spaniards and Italians
t. saw Korean tourists when I visited myself

Shit misread the question so here it goes again.

> 1. your cunt

El Salvador

> 2. at what age does it become creepy to date high school girls?

Twenty years old males can definitely get away with dating HS girls in their last years of HS. But if you’re older than that you’re definitely going to be perceived as a creep.

>what about university girls?

A thirty years old dude dating a college student is seen as creepy here. The parents of the girl would definitely intervene there.

5 years older or more is usually when people starts noticing the age gap

>The parents of the girl would definitely intervene there.
Explain this to this retard

My grandfather married my grandmother when she was 18 and he was 32

You seem buttblasted friend, not all countries have the same mentality towards their adult offspring.

Yeah, that's an acceptable gap, that's what I wanted to mean

You beat mine by 1 year
>ad hominem and projecting combo
Oh whatever, my bad thinking I was talking with a reasonable human

yes Koreans are tall but imho it doesn't look good with the Asian body type, they're just ultra lanklets. shorter Asian girls can have nice bodies though

I'm not looking to get into a fight with some manchild, I am just astonished that you think you are in the right here. If I knew someone who at 21 didn't want full independence from their parents I would assume they have a legit mental illness.

>ad hominem and projecting combo
So, what you just did

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This. Love my parents but I haven't lived with them since I was 18 and living by myself is 100x better. Don't know how Euros and thirdies can stand it

Who cares as long as they have at least 16 years

Don't worry about him he is a so***ern retard probably

mentaly ill anglos that got molested by their parents, no reason to live alone till you have a girl to settle with you are just burning your money

>at what age do you become a pathetic insecure faggot that starts listening to what Chad and Stacy might post about you on kikebook
Fucking cringe. Are you even listening to yourself?

If she's dating a 50yo there is a clear implied agreement that he will provide for her. In fact, for any relationship its implied the man will provide for the woman as soon as he finishes studies.

(your age) / 2 + 7 = Girls age you can go without being creepy.

Good slave

The Chiletard is implying everyone would be fine with it

>Nobody would let a 21yo date a 50yo

parents might not approve but wtf can they do?