Redpill me on Somali supremacism

Redpill me on Somali supremacism

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so these are the guys that call you nigger online

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Imagine feeling superior to anyone as a fucking somali lmfao
Him being literate alone puts him in the top 1% of his species

The Somali-Sub-Suharan feud is so interesting

Oh boy I have some news for you

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Somalis believe they're superior to Blacks because they're "Caucasian" and LARP as Arabs

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Blackbeard from One Piece is somali.

Based as fuck.

They're 30% middle eastern.

All ethnics are racist against each other.

Descendants of a alien race of superhuman blacks.

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You are ethnic.


yeah somali twitter is cringe, the girls are toxic feminists and the guys co-opted the alt right

So they actually assimilate and started to behave and thought like westoids?

He looks nordic as fuck

Somalies are probably the cringiest race.


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Norway has the highest density of somalis pr capita.

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how do you feel with that?

Prussian German ethnicity :)

Somalis are unironically closer to arabs than west africans genetically though.

Norway has 43273 somalis (0,81% of population)
Sweden has 99697 (0,97% of population)

TuNo, they are 30-40% middle eastern at best and the rest is subsaharan/west african like (yoruba marker)

In any pca they are closer to west african.

Pure aryan

jareer subhumans absolute seething ITT

go locate your dads you wide-nosed slave plantation apes

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but thats wrong, you retard

it was whites who believed these things and imposed their weird racial theories onto east africans (cushitic peoples). cushitic societies look down on bantus for the same reason as every other society does, and because they were slaves in cushitic lands up until the end of colonialism.


>I'm not anti black, sir, I'm anti ape.
Yeah, I think I'll have to borrow this one.