This is the Chinese Century, user, and there nothing you can do about it

This is the Chinese Century, user, and there nothing you can do about it.

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>bunch of thieves and brigands
>claim themself the center of the world
yeah no


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Based, ill finally get my futa GF

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this century is already 20% done and chinks still sucks.

Why can't china still be under glorious qing rule... communists are so soulless the thought of them running the world sends shivers down my spine

Oh well. We had our run.

Go back you diseased chink.

that's kinda based tho

Lmao this is so true. They were saying this would be the chink century before it even started too and look where we are.

Ya, China have overtaken every country

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Lol, just like China was supposed to overtake the us economically

China helped you to defeat burgers.

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am I to fondle over everything the chinese done for us?
they betrayed us right after

>manchu usurpers

You're thinking Ming, user.

Not really, the gold standard of longterm GDP projections was the 2006 Goldman Sachs study which projected 2030. Of course since China already has the largest PPP it also depends on China devaluing or propping up the Yuan.

when someone bigger heps you and then stops to help = this is always betrayal
as a soviet i know

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>chinese century
>HK protests
>uiyghur problem
>chinese virus
>Belt & Road in complete gridlock
>economy shrank by 6%
>and many other fuck ups that even normies hate china
yeah a century of isolation and embargoes until the insects finally hang the CCP mafiosos

>Nothing you can do about it
Wdym, terrorism is always an option

Last war China ever fought was against Vietnam and the cong gave them a fucking hiding

Not gonna compain, the Chinese know how to run stuff.

They will in a couple of years.
It's gonna be great once China has a bigger defence budget than the USA, and the USA has to act like the Soviet Union and spend a disproportionate amount on defence to be on parity with China.

ok, hope you like 15 hours working a day then.

China invaded and raised the entire north of the country because they got rid of Pol Pot. Who run his economy by selling cheap rice and tiger penis to China. Hilariously the US and China supported Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge for 10 fucking years at the UN until Vietnam withdrew from Cambodia. USSR was a better partner.

cuckstamped "countries" might nor reply to this thread

like an argie would know anything about working.

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>Lmao this is so true.
I don't think the Englishman living in 1900 would have thought that by 2000 their empire would be totally gone.
>They were saying this would be the chink century before it even started too and look where we are.
With the west in general and America in particular completely fumbling their disaster response while China gets it under control?

B A S E D.

B A S E D 2 . 0.

>With the west in general and America in particular completely fumbling their disaster response while China gets it under control?
oh really? where is this under control? did you know that roman propaganda said in 400s that all of its empire was intact and still everything was fine? that is mainland, they think its fine when its not and bugs like you eat it up, you cockroaching in canada and australia is all the proof that china is and forever will be a shithole

t. 虫国人

not an argument zhang

Wuhan is open you coping mutt ass licker. Truth is, America is run by literal ex-tv star morons while China is run by competent nationalists.

>Wuhan is open
good, hope the chinese virus kills more of them

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