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*victory dance*
Matthew Cruz
Lincoln Gonzalez
fuck imperial system, also, americans are dumb lol
Ryder Mitchell
Based, fuck that retarded shit.
Benjamin Brooks
>tfw when i must know the imperial metric system anyway
Hunter Gutierrez
i'm fine with this, but i don't know the metric system at all so if it becomes commonplace in america it'll be tough
Connor Powell
its already common in most highschool physics classes
Adrian Wilson
metric is fucking trash tho, a horrible arbitrary system
Andrew Martin
That face when when
Lucas Long
>victory dance
the sense is win
nothing to celebrate
William Gray
*the sane
Parker Kelly
not real and not even necessary, anyone that needs to know metric will learn it in science courses
Jackson Sullivan
Aircrafts? This is pretty much the only industry I am aware of which religiously sticks to imperial regardless of the region.
Soviets metricized flying. We followed suit. But for some stupid fucking reason decided to scrap it and go with imperial units when USSR fell.
Angel Cook
Cooper Johnson
My arbitrary system have regular upscales and downscales, yours have arbitrary ones.
Imperial: Arbitrary^2
Brody Baker
That's gay how are we supposed to make fun of them now
I guess they're still fat, shoot themselves....
John Young
Everything can be traced back to natural phenomenons
A meter is defined by the speed of light, Kelvin is defined by absolute zero, Ampere is defined by the force that occurs between two parallel wires...
Hunter Moore
>which religiously sticks to imperial regardless of the region
Not in China, North Korea or Russia.
Eli Nguyen
>Using metric
>Using imperial
>Using metric AND imperial for different things at different times
Sebastian Brooks
kiss the ring amerisharts
Gavin Taylor
>Using metric AND imperial for different things at different times
Cringing bigly.
Hudson Roberts
They'll ban guns next
Jaxson Howard
>Yeah I know Fahrenheit because all my aquarium equipment is in Fahrenheit, even the heater made in Germany.
Dylan Foster
They cleared this with all 13,000 public school districts? Somehow I doubt this.
Dylan Gomez
Looks at that mr. pseudosmart.
You can define whatever distance with light, whatever scala as the absolut 0 and so on.
Get fucked small brain boy.
Connor Perry
it's nowhere else on the news. probably bait
Julian Nguyen
As expected of a dutchman, afraid of what he can't understand. Only a megabrained brit can comprehend such a system
Aaron Stewart
School curriculums are developed at the local level. If a school districts rejects the metric system, they don't have to teach it. Parents also have the option to pull their kids out of school and home school them if they don't like the metric system, so presenting this as a national mandate is ignorant at best, openly dishonest at worst.
Justin Johnson
Yeah but Americans who reject metric system also drink bleach so in time smart Americans will outlive them. Praise Darwin.
Chase Thompson
Sir you have just outbased yourself.
Andrew Edwards
So called "smart" college educated """""Americans"""""" are all trannies who don't have kids, so they will be extinct soon enough.
Jeremiah Watson
It's pretty based if you ask me.
1g of water at 4°C = 1cm^3 = 1mL
That's much better than American Standard, of which I'm not sure how to convert one metric into another without looking it up.
1 gal of water = 8.34lbs = .134 ft^3
Joseph Wood
metric uses arbitrary units which is unacceptable in a unit system, its gay and cringe.