Honestly it makes me astonished there have been no people’s revolutions in this country with their India-tier caste system.
Why are inequality and class difference still so huge in this country?
People are proud of what they are, and the only actual caste that you could say really exists is the moneyed landowner but they're a minute portion of the population that normal people never del with
What caste system? Chavs are happing taking drugs and coming to Spain to jump off balconies
Why do amerimutts always use our old flag? Do they think it pisses us off?
happy* i had a stroke
the only thing that might be a problem is that some of them can't speak proper English
LMAO I knew there would be a pissed brit in this thread when I clicked on it
really easy to trigger
free norn iron
put me back in the flag
i am britisher too
t. northern ireland
What's triggering about it it's just wrong, don't understand why people keep doing it everyone knows what the current UK flag looks like
Literally seething, please stop
The bulk of the population is extremely poorly informed by an unduly biased media, (even the state broadcaster), and most adults over the age of 40 grew up in a time where the unions were very powerful, or under Margaret thatcher where they were able to cheaply buy houses, so they're either grateful to the Conservative party or terrified of left-wing policies.
britain is possibly the only old world country besides India where a revolution hasn't happened.
t. serf
Fuck off freak
What about the glorious revolution?
the nobility married with the merchant jewish upper class and thats how any serious revolution was evaded
t. rebellious larper who is really just like everyone else
There's literally nothing wrong with a class system. Working class, middle class and upper class people all have their own interests and lifestyles, so they prefer to stick together.
90% of all the aristocrat since the middle 19 century were anglojews
the meme is true
Not really a revolution in the traditional sense. I'd say Cromwell and the restoration are the closest we've come to a revolution but that's really seen as a national embarrassment
Probably because we've never had a revolution. Parliament gave the illusion of freedom so was enough to keep most of the population pacified. Today class is so ingrained in society many see it as a part of their identity (working class people are proud to be working class, for example).
>that's really seen as a national embarrassment
How so?
they're not
take a look at other european countries; most of france and italy are owned by descendants of old rich dukes lmao
'ate politics luv me bevvies, footy and me missus. in that order.
simple as
>take a look at other european countries; most of france and italy are owned by descendants of old rich dukes lmao
What the fuck are you talking about retard?
Christian ISIS taking over for a few decades and banning everything fun and then bringing the monarchy back
and in france, where the great-great-great-grandaughter of some old 'duc' owns a chateau with vast grounds, the local farmers take pride in toiling the land like their ancestors, yet both get along by dint of the illusion of 'revolution' and 'liberty, equality and fraternity'
take your blair-tinted spectacles off you faggot
>why do amerimutts
>Japanese flag
exactly what I said
lmao what the fuck are you talking about? What is it with anglos and their bullshit contest?
yu mast bladdy well fink wes stoopid ya bladdy yank nonce
oill fakkin fightyus go on then son av at it wankah
where's the bullshit? france is no different in its reality from england
What you just said is false and retarded.
Out of all the bad things people say about brits, that's the one you're gonna let trigger you?
Yes it is. I don't know what's going on in your shit brain or if that's the power of british education but you're out of your mind.
Cromwell as an individual is quite respected though.
There's a neat film about Cromwell featuring Alec Guinness as Charles I that's actually quite worth viewing.
I've seen it. Great film.
People see him as a 'great' man but I don't think you'd find many fans of what he got up to
dont remember asking
Based swedish english accent poster
I don't think I was ever replying to you
>had a decades long fratricidal civil war that resulted in a king beheaded and a republic installed.
>not a revolution
no it isn't
you people are full of shit, blinded by french propaganda about how you're all the same and ignorant of british affairs of which you only gain knowledge through the media of tweets and Yas Forums memes
>british prime ministers study at cambridge after a spell at private school paid for by hard-working and intelligent parents who work as doctors and lawyers
>this represents an unfair advantage because some retard from an estate whose parents live off benefits didn't get the 'same opportunity'
>french presidents study at the sorbonne after a spell at a private school paid for by hard-working and intelligent parents who work as doctors and lawyers
>this is somehow different and uniquely fair
bullshit but I believe it