Tales of Brave Ulysses edition
Tales of Brave Ulysses edition
looks like this funny fellow
VR? More like Virgin Reality
anyone else missing toil?
kim yo jong slowly crushing your bollocks with a hydraulic press
Fuck no are you wise
it is
niggers having a civil war on twitter lmao
they released the Virgin Freaks: The Movie, it's not very good
>missing toil
Deary me
what's gotten him so worked up?
How non-white is Yas Forums
imagine it could be really wog infested
you'll be back at toil for one day and then wish you were back at wfhtoil
Modern Britain was a mistake
i was but not anymore
Adana, feel a bit weird about converting to islam but guess its really just nominal dont care about meathammed or anything
what about?
Islam for all that? Damn I'll be leading the call to prayer myself.
about what
hes bloody fuming
cute though
What gets me through the lockdown? Moni's onlyfans, $10 for unlimited access to all her pictures, she's getting saucier by the day too, PHWOARRRRR lads, well worth it.
holy kino
about the same as every other board
Somalis vs every other type
just typed nigger civil war on twitter
this country needs allah
are they that bothered about converting to islam? or is that for just family reasons
won a zoom quiz so i have to make the next one. any ideas for questions lads?
the reunification of skyrim
finished my whisky time for my vodka de lads
Lmaoooo somalis even be oppressed by other niggas
why do all the somalis go to sweden
to be fair the only guy I know who has VR has a gf
though she is east asian
all of his gfs have
rate the ol’ tinder bio lads
now you're on a list
She doesnt care its a family thing, dont think its anything more than going to a mosque and saying in a Muslim tho
DMT smokers be like: "go out for a curry and pint this Friday? Sorry mate, I already promised the transdimensional clockwork elves I'd watch them sew together the cosmic rifts between alternate realities haha"
fucking love somalis
those facial genetics are unnerving
muddafuggen coonvirus
why is she crying?
>Korn and dad rock
Ohhhh my days
Rate the scran lads.
Fried shallots with sausages, creamy mash and broccoli. Big dollop of mustard too
once shared a hot tub with the exgf in her parent's Tennessee holiday house. Her parents were very conservative and mandated that she wasn't allowed to take her clothes off, so she got in the hot tub fully clothed.
Jokes on her parents though, because wet clothes are like my biggest fetish and I have never been more aroused in my life
Fucking LMAO
Cringing ngl
"pls like music and 'avin a laff'
dunno if anyones told you mate but EVERYONE likes that you basic cunt
isn't it like 5 in the morning in aus?
>been social distancing for years
Fuck off.
tinder only seems to show certain songs that I listen to. it never lets me put Merzbow or Swans there
he's like an african /brit/poster
it just feels so fucking GOOD
love a good foot rub me
>Tales of Brave Ulysses
Excellent taste
Looks like Rwanda part II: Electric Boogaloo.
decent, broc looks overcooked though
>pls like music
>proceeds to have the most basic middle-aged taste imaginable
might be able to get away with that in manchester or summat, but if you want to pull london birds youve got to develop a much more sophisticated musical taste, sonny
Those sausages are undercooked to fuck mate they look pink
we're gonna make it lads
peng as
yeah but bursting into tears seems a bit drastic innit x
Not great.
please dont say this until youve lvied in melbourne thanks
reading this crazy article titled What Is the Difference Between Shallots and Onions
same could be said about what every girl writes on her profile tbf
>Tales of Brave Ulysses
this was playing in an episode of buffy the vampire slayer that I watched yesterday
>been social distancing for years
actually fuck off
No words to explain the physical pain I'm in, just know it's worse than anything you've ever felt in your pathetic life pal
Is he a fucknig girl though mate?
He could do better
no thats me
St Kilda born and bred mate
late afternoon nap x
Why don't more video games have a sunny archipelago environment?
Off the top of my head i can only think of
Legend of Zelda Windwaker
Pokemon Ruby Sapphire Emerald
and none of them are particularly fantastic games besides the nice setting
how can you be 6'7 and socially retarded
never had your foot rubbed by me x
swear somalis are the most hated group, like no one actually likes them
Jefferson Airplane - Wooden Ships
Honestly Braveheart has done more damage to the idea of the United Kingdom than the entire Jacobite movement.
nice dog bed tarq cunt
>thinking girls don't like tinder bios with cringey jokes
oh no no no
Wouldn't feed that to a dog
what do you even do with a girl friend? take her for walks? give her food and water? perplexing scenario.
gypsies are worse
The whole nicotine thing
Somebody vomited on your plate, mate.
>fucknig girl
what did he mean by this
true but that's a given
you mean americans being idiots?
on many occasions I've been asked by yanks regarding braveheart
>ugh do briddish people really bla bla bla bla
about some inaccurate part of the film
you think they're doing it on purpose but they're 100% serious and unironic about it
Stephen Merchant does it
>She Was The Most Beautiful Girl In The World. Look At Her No...
>picture of a 7 year old
Really targeted advertising I see.
Was feeling really miserable today almost called the ex but I've foudn out who is america is on channel 4 cheers to whoever linked the clip from it earlier its good
peng as
he wants a black QVEEN
Never seen a Somali irl because I'm not a southern poof nor a city living FREAK
The way it works is that it looks at your top 50 most played songs in the last few days, one per artist max.
Then it does something retarded, which is that it picks the 20 most popular songs out of those 50, thus guaranteeing that only the most mainstream and boring shit gets highlighted.
if you want it to better reflect your music taste, you will have to deliberately avoid streaming mainstream music for 48 hours or so, so the less common artists have a chance to show up.
The list updates every 24 hours.
>t. been doing a lot of work with the Spotify API tools recently
somewhat based
>>been social distancing for years
Cringe ngl
why do you think being tall (freakishly tall at that ) correlates to being socially adept
the aesthetic of this picture is like reverse goth
sex wees
that is a very generic bio
who uses tinder in 2020 other than birds trying to get more followers on insta and clueless incels like the above
still howling at this
Are torrents broken?
wouldn't know how to eat that without spilling it everywhere
being tall makes you more attractive
more attractive people have more friends and social validation as a child/teenager
more social validation when you're young makes you more socially adept
that's my fursona
You only have a finite number of days on this Earth stop being a stingey bastard and get the spotify subscription in
*surreptitiously googles archipelago*
lots of sex
she cooks for you
watch Brooklyn 99 together
go out to nice restaurants
go to concerts and art galleries sometimes
its nice
mental how much territory they controlled
is the 'seek down?
what do normies use
sounds grim ngl
lmao what millennium is this?
I’ve actually been a really big fan of that song too. The csn version is kind of mild but jefferson airplane nailed it
Hate it when I get no (You)s for my most clever posts and get plenty of (You)s for my dribbling retard posts
used to use spotify and for what it is its pretty good, but once i matured and stopped listening to mainstream trash i had to switch to torrenting to get the obscure albums i wanted and ive never looked back
They didn't hold the tigris for very long though but still yeah it's absolutely mental you could walk from York to Jerusalem without ever crossing a border
let her peg you
hinge and bumble
for me it's using a good old fashioned magnet on the pirate bay
everyone on twitter is saying virgin media has gone down for the entire country but mine is perfectly fine
My type of girl? Why any girl that's talks to me of course
I've been social distancing for years
Aha a man of taste I see.
extremely reddit post
So what is Hinge's gimmick?
>being tall makes you more attractive
only if youre already attractive and proportional, if you're 6'7 and skinny and ugly you will easily look like a complete freak
why do all tall people do this?
>i'm 6'7 if that matters.. ... tee hee......
can't tell which is the mum
Man was not built for this
hing is cringe, literally nothing but 0/10's
bumble is cucked
trump just called black people fake news
you're instantly attractive to a decent chunk of women by virtue of being tall
I think it was just a small blip
just listen to music on youtube. it's all on there you do know this right? what cunt is paying for music?
Hinge? More like Cringe.
Can someone explain why there are black nazis in CODWWII?? Not like some — like half of the Nazis are black. It’s truly taking the joy out of pretend-killing Nazis
Any media you watch is virgin media.
doesn't hinge have a much more aggressive algorithm for matching you with compatible people? hmmm...
i thought hinge was basically the cutting room floor of dating apps and only fat girls are on it
reality is fake news
this is just one of many schizoid delusions
Tempted to take T blockers to stop my hairline receding more
it's tinder and bumble's waste skip
>tinder bio
nobody reads that, it's all about those 4 photos
when did this meme start
my most attractive asset is my intelligence as every girl i've ever attracted has told me
Link me some other stuff lad, would love to listen!
sucking a golf ball
have we got any gamers in the thread?
Youtube audio quality is abysmal. In fact you won’t find any streaming platform with good quality because it’s not economically feasible and most nonces can’t tell the difference
really wanna fuck a black girl just for the power i would feel
Need her to blast me with a rancid fart.
Doesn't work if you're also skeleton mode, look at Stephen Merchant
they're black hebrew israelites
hitler recruited them as special ops
don't pass up a tan ten ten mate.
mad how you thought this was funny in your head
*randomly deletes videos from your playlist*
heh nothing personnel
if you're over 25 you may as well just accept it
nobody cares
found the manlets with the child size chips on their shoulders
If you know what FLAC is then you are automatically a virgin.
HATE gamers
HATE gaming
the fact is if you torrent your music then you either have too much time on your hands, or you don't value the time that you do have enough
what, the free lossless audio codec?
>muh quality
stop being autistic it's not like there's static fuzzing it up
it boosts unpopular profiles to the front of the queue when you first use it. it balances out after a couple of weeks or so.
i dont know what it means
do you?
hotkinkyjo lads
*raises paw*
because 6'7" is freakishly tall and I don't want to go meet a girl in real life only for her to go into shock upon seeing me
wonder if simon cowell will accept his ageing at some point or if he'll continue on his path to madame tussauds
David Bowie or Joy Division?
gamer virgins help me:
It's true, above about 6'5 unless you're Yas Forums it's not helping