I bought a Huawei P30 Pro.

I said I wouldn't buy a chink phone again. But I couldn't resist when I was drunk and got a good offer on it ($300). Thank FUCK this is their last phone with Android.

Please SONY give me good offers next time.

What phone do you have Yas Forums?

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Honor 20 pro
I hope that my chinese kgb agent is a qt who is into femdom tee-hee~

Quite literally designed with African phallus in mind.

Sony Experia. I wish I bought iPhone.

I have 2, the iPhone 8 and the iPhone XR
I’d never buy from a Chink company

Redmi 4 Prime

I had a XZ3. I broke it when I flew with Luftwaffe, put it on the side and it fell under my seat so when I pressed the button to lie flat it crushed it. :(

oneplus 6

dat hairline tho

Don't use phones on while in flight

Razer phone 2

Call me soyboy all you want but this 120hz display is pure pleasure to look at and it has 2 big speakers that actually sound very good

I always do. Planes don't crash because of phones.

I don't have a phone because I'm not a normalfag

you go outside with that thing?

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They mostly crash because pilots are fucking retards.
But don't use phone. Look into the window instead.

Moto G Stylus

I use a soft case but yeah. Better than overpriced apple garbage desu. (I owned an iPhone once)

what's this hairdo called

oneplus 7 pro

I work for Huawei

I got this one too

iphone SE
i dislike iphones but it was given to me for free and i don't use it enough for anything but communication to care about replacing it

Post more asian girls taking baths

What you do?

WTF I paid like 300€ for a P10 Lite in 2019.

HTC U12+

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Essential PH-1
It's a peice of shit

I have a chinkphone, a Redmeme Note 3 pro from 2017, still pretty alright considering how I treat it

Pocophone F1.

no display problem?

Not yet, though I have used a screen protector (and a case) since I've had it

Oneplus 6
Really wanted to get a samsung note but those idiots won't sell them with snapdragons in europe