My Dictatrix can't possible be this CUTE

My Dictatrix can't possible be this CUTE

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Straight simpin'

She's like my animuuuuu....

Of course

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*generic anime opening playing*

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the epic battle for the soul of Yas Forums

>there’s a difference version of the pic (bread)
I wanna complete the collection of all versions.

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That isnt very cute desu

She’s absolutely nightmare inducing. I don’t know how can you all like her so much.

I just thought she’s actually carrying a pink bag when the photo was taken. It’s so natural.

no you aren't very cute


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When your joke is simply that something is anime, it's not a very good joke.

Shit taste.

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I think people can actually fap on ones they hate desu.

>''Oh no! I can't be late for the execution of dissidents!


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Stop making fun of the family of supreme leader.

We need more characters of this type
i wonder who the third will be

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Sorry to ask, but is the blonde one a dictator as well?

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Fucking capitalistic white pigs

she qt3.14

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This is how women look without makeup mate.

Do you think some S.Korean weaboo will go to the north once she's in power?

Natalia Poklonskaya

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she is natalia poklonskaya, former prosecutie of crimea

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>man of shad

I wish I could hear her speak German, she must have picked up some during her childhood and schooling in Switzerland.

We will kill you all little dumb blue eyed europeans

You mean “yes”?

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Damn southies are this butthurt about her being popular?

Jaw not big enough.

Stop making fun of supreme leader's family you peasant

We're not making fun, we are cooming.


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Somebody post his mom