What do you want in your boyfriend?

What do you want in your boyfriend?

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my dick

Oh God, a Femcel thread.

Big dick unironically

op is a faggot

My fetish is having a bf from another Latin American country and then get fucked a big white gringo together. Thoughts?

A big willy

185cm+ height
16cm+ dick
Thick hair (fuck bald fucks, seriously)



>185cm+ height
how do you plan to find that in costa rica

you're on Yas Forums my friend


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A cute ass. Skills with his feet and tongue.

20% of int is female(female), it's true

>tfw 190cm and 19cm dick

female incels dont exist

I am
>6/10 face
>17cm dick

but i only fuck MEN


Bulgarian or Hispanic

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house builder, what do you call em?

Just builders. Unless they specialize in something.

humor, caring, gentleness


you'd be pleasantly surprised it's more like 20.2%

You're a dude, aren't you?

fixed this for you

Why would that be pleasant?

Well, are you?

source: my ass

More femoids to menace

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love me

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>source: poster on Yas Forums (me)

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Am i what, bud?

i dont agree with you

1) Not Yas Forums related
2) I'm already married.

That said. Sexiness, Passion, Independence, Coolness, and Experience aka S.P.I.C.E.
Hot Looks + Cool Personality

And yes this fit my husband to a T.

Sounds perfect

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So, you are?

One of these days a big meaty hunk of a man will walk past you and a funny feeling will well inside of you. These are the highest characteristics in a bloke.

We all are

99 % of int is openly gay my dude
the other 1 are still in the closet

Yes? No? Maybe?- I dunno.

why would you want used goods, a virgin asshole is best

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>Yes? N-
*Femoid detected, killer insect launched.*

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Doesnt matter as long as he has a BIG BLACK COCK

this guy gets it

I want a bf who is at least reasonably well-educated and preferably speaking a language I want t o learn cause I want to abuse him as language buddy as well
Also he shouldn't be too fat. A bit chubby is okay but obesity is just disgusting lol


Implying it's not

One that doesn't have cocks for brains like most of this board.

Would you date a black man?

I'm 100% straight.

>virgin asshole
No such thing

Doesn't need to be sexual.

when you've been in a relationship for a while, look matters least. sorry incelfriend :/

That he'd love me

>not having cocks for brains

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