Is it true that Europeans think Jimmy Carter was a good president?

Is it true that Europeans think Jimmy Carter was a good president?

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Every president is good when compared to Trump.


Look at this peanut farming nigga.

No, they acknowledge the undeniable fact that he was a great one.

The guy that boycotted the Olympics in response to the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.

Most Europeans have never heard of him.
Those that know a little bit about US history, just know that him and Gerald Ford are "those two unremarkable ones" in between Nixon and Reagan, but don't actually know anything about their administration.

Personally the only association I make with Jimmy Carter is the Iranian hostage crisis and I think he handled it badly? But don't even know in what way.

isn't he unironically one of the worst US presidents?

Not at all.

Everybody talks about the Bushes, Clinton and Obama but barely anyone talk about Jimmy? Was he really that boring?


>implying that muricans had any good president


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It's funny that he's still alive while two presidents who followed him have died

He was pretty based. Maybe not the most effective president, but I'd rank him higher than all the ones that came after him. And this lil nigga basically spent his post-presidency building houses for poor people and teaching Sunday School, even into his 90s. As an added benefit, his wife isn't a soulless cunt.

Most Europeans don't concern themselves with oligarch leaders from another continent, 40 years ago, unless they're really into history.

He wanted to implement the Metric system in America

That's why he's widely considered a communist and a traitor

Was that a good thing or bad thing in your opinion?

He didn't serve his second term yet.
Carter 2020?

Yes he's seen as a decent person unlike some of his followers or orange baboon.


He was probably the most moral modern president ever, and he har great ideas.
However he was not assertive enough and wasnt aggressive enough on foreign policy

I wasn't alive at the time.


He was a leftist.

He was far from not being aggressive, he just wasn't loud about it. He opposed Soviets quite sternly.

That's the power of eating peanuts and worshiping Jesus

The last real leftist in the presidency

Yes. Europeans have been taught to love all Dem presidents and hate all Reps

Oh piss off you grovelling little tory zoomer serf

yes, because he was the best you've had in the last century


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