Does the average person in your country know what this is?
Does the average person in your country know what this is?
i know i know it's garlic squizzer
I'd assume so.
no but i think it's a lemon/garlic press kind of thing
My parents won't eat garlic at all...
I guess most people would assume it's a garlic press
it isn't?
Reverse googling tells me it’s for garlic pressing. I didn’t know such a tool existed, it seems weirdly specific
Fuck if I know, canadians are weird they might use that to squeeze syrup out of trees of something
It is.
My mum has dull tastebuds due to smoking and when I was younger and still living with her, she used to add a metric shit tonne of garlic to premade pasta meals, for "flavour". It was truly awful. Thankfully the women she worked with were also middle aged chain smokers who had next to no taste buds or sense of smell.
Yes, i personally don't use it, i finely chop the garlic and grind it with my knife and a pinch of sea salt.
>using a hard to clean unitasker
>not the superior way to prepare garlic
no but i know
I hope you don't fall for the kitchen unitaskers meme
t. /ck/
Do you really never use garlic in the UK? Why do you love bland and tasteless food so much?
It's not hard to clean. Just rinse the excess garlic off the mesh and rub with soap.
Yes. Garlic baster.
>Muh unitasker
Sometimes you don't want your hands to smell of garlic for hours, and luckily most people have drawers in their kitchens that have room for various gadgets
I use garlic, but I’ve never used a tool specifically designed to do one thing with garlic.
>t. /ck/
For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.
One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".
Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.
I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.
they drown everything in salt and spices which in their mind justifies never using alliums for flavor
>Sometimes you don't want your hands to smell of garlic for hours
Lay the flat side of your knife on top of the clove and smash the shit out it. No garlic on your hands, easy.
virgin garlic presser
chad slam it with spatula
At least it's a useful unitasker, unlike those cheese knife spatulas scandis are so proud of.
Or just put it in a garlic crusher and never have to even take the paper off then just whack it in the dishwasher, yeah its lazy but that's what humans invented tools for
crushing is better because garlic doesnt loose th juice or something
it's for retards who can't mince garlic
>and never have to even take the paper off
>take the paper off
>yeah its lazy but that's what humans invented tools for
Yeah, the knife. It's a great tool which you're more than likely already using if garlic is being used in a meal.
Those are not unitaskers. You can use them as a mandolin for superthin slices
Garlic doesn't melt like they say in that movie
The papery skin on the garlic clove. And that's a silly argument, why not just use a brick for putting nails in a wall instead of a hammer? Crushers don't take any skill and they stop your hands smelling bad nothing wrong with them, too many memes with cooking about the 'right's way to do it even though you get the same result at the end
used to have one
Imagine being in a kitchen but unable to use a knife
How about this?
Great for puree and ajiaco
>The papery skin on the garlic clove
Have you ever smashed a clove of garlic before? It becomes separated in the process.
>And that's a silly argument, why not just use a brick for putting nails in a wall instead of a hammer?
I don't really get where you're trying to go with this. When preparing food, pretty much everyone at least uses a knife.
>Crushers don't take any skill and they stop your hands smelling bad
The same applies for crushing garlic with a knife. You're literally adding extra utensils to the mix for no reason.
Mum doesnt allow me these or nutcrackers
I squueze ”too hard”... not my fault they are made in china.
Yes. I have one but I never use it because its a bitch to clean. Instead I use a knife and some course salt to get an even better result instead.
Do Indians use garlic?
Tin opener?
>russian people don't know what this is