What pisses you off most about your country, Yas Forums?

What pisses you off most about your country, Yas Forums?

For me it's how poorly organised the public services are. To do anything from registering a change of address to registering for a University course is a herculean task due to the paperwork required and the person dealing with you not knowing how to do their job.

Unfortunately this system is what protects the tax-dodgers and corrupt bureaucrats who are often taking salaries for non-existent or completely redundant jobs, so the situation will never change.

Luckily our health system seems to work well.

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The politics

Labour voters

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anything of quality is overpriced
unattractive awful women
almost no white doctors
terrible customer service

The "muh unity". We have too much.

There is no 'the most', everything pisses me off.

The corruption
The retards
The abysmal public transport
The absolute lack of any international power
No fucking sea
Fucking troglodytes littering all over the streets

Fuck this shithole. If we don't get our act together within 20 years this country is done for

I've been told from those that have experienced it that your mail system is utterly hopeless, and that you have to practically beg to have licenses processed and the like. So, yeah, sorry to hear that man.

Why don't you just join India?

Our ancestors bled out their ass to keep this land independent, not going to happen.

brown people

Nepal is good as you will always have nice mountains.

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Th-thanks ;_;

Taxes, gun control, cost of living.

Honestly I have no problem with immigrants or multiculturalism. I like their women, I like their food, and most of them are good hard-working people.

Christcucks and dirty southrons


Most things here just.... works. Sure, there are waiting times if you have a non life threatening issue like ADHD and what not, but most things just work. We are truly spoiled compared to most other countries. I worked in Canada for a while and the process of filing your taxes what a hassle. Opening a bank account required a physical visit. Etc.

I'm still going to move to Canada permanently because I like it more than here, and it's quite similar to where I grew up.

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It's the same here

Brazilians, the root of all our problems

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All of those are reasons I want to live in Canada rather than here. Less gun control so I can actually get the guns I want. Lower taxes. Cost of living about the same except for cities like Vancouver.

But more importantly, you don't have to have a license plate in the front of your car in some based provinces.

-Disgusting language, it sucks even more when almost no one is self aware from the overuse of the CHACHAHCHACHA, especially from singers. I could never make music in Hebrew.
-Shit politicians with no ideology, just hungry for power
-Everything is fucking expensive without the wages to compensate for it
-So many hyper aggressive and loud people, especially boomers who sound like they're constantly hopped up on 4 shots of espresso
-Cornyness in media and wannabe Americanism
-Ultrakikes being worse welfare kangz and queenz than any other minority on the planet

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Our diversity.

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Autistic people

The political corectnes and my government not being resposible once they fuck up, never go to this shithole. Its beyond saving

So basically you want a slightly more American way of life without going full American?

>What pisses you off most about your country, Yas Forums?
I like my country.
If you're fine educated and sane person - you live a good life.
I think this is rightly for any other country.
Am i wrong?

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The mountains are the only nice part of this country. I still have a lot of them left to visit.

Too many non-whites

Yes. I love trucks and mountains and snowmobiles and cheap gas. And I lived in Canada so I know it's not just a retarded grass is greener fantasy.

It's definitely not for everyone though. The average Swede would hate it. I'm a 11 per center though (Northerner).

Whereabouts did you live?

How fucking ugly and dirty it is
Also: low salaries and low iq population

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Vancouver. Which is why I know I'm not going to move there, prices are fucked in that city.

I'm aiming for Calgary. Close to the rockies which is what I want, and affordable at the same time. Wages aren't fucked as well. The city itself is pretty shit though ngl.

Nation of thieves. All the politicians are thieves, all the poorshits are murderers.

That's not a bad plan, and I agree that Calgary is the closest place to the mountains that is both a relatively decent place to live and not ridiculously expensive. The Alberta economy is getting fucked pretty hard right now though, no one is really sure where this is going.

calgary is a hideous shithole full of soybois and retards and young people are leaving to work in toronto because there’s no industry there except oil

Ultimately though, I would like to live in Victoria. I could grow crops while being close enough to the mountains. I could build a giant greenhouse with the money I would save living in Calgary though.

Have you even been in Calg?