Does she have a boyfriend? Does she like Croatian men?

Does she have a boyfriend? Does she like Croatian men?

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This is her husband.

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Why is she so fucking smug

she wants a Croatian toilet slave

shes cute and im not even anime fag

Imagine if she makes you her sex slave to make you avoid the gulag

That would be so crazy haha

>Does she have a boyfriend?
It's me :)

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because she lived a maximum comfy life at the time those pictures were taken

i wonder how she's feeling now

> In January 2015, she reportedly married Choe Song,

> Kim Yo-jong was expecting a child in May 2015

> The father, not identified,

I'm sorry user but your qween is just another single mom roastie who doesn't know her kid's dad probably

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I thought she is his mom lol

It's NK user, they don't publish their private life in every media, especially the high ranking persons. Maybe the CIA knows, not sure.

> The father, not identified,
that means it could've been a croatian man

She probably has a harem like her brother and didn't take the pill one day

>Does she have a boyfriend?
She only has subjects, and all men will be enslaved under her rule

Attached: Kim Yo Jong Avatar.png (375x472, 113K)

Message for Americans: can you please make OnlyFans available in North Korea please? It's very urgent thank you.

Are you fucking kidding me now? Can she be even more perfect?

Wtf are some of you smoking...

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She has very cute cinderblock jaw
I like it very much

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Bongs will end in the gulag

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She's actually into /ss/ so if your age isn't on the clock shes not interested.

I don’t think so.
She had a different mom from her dictator bro and there has always been (and still is?) the possibility of her getting brutally murdered like her another bro born by the same mom as her.

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I want her to step on my cock


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What the fuck i love Juche now

is that Korean gigachad in the background?

I think it was a bavarian chad who placed some aryan semen in her womb

He looks so fcking brotier. A shame that he was brutally killed

that's not her husband that's her father in law

rip 2 a tru brutha

actually that's her possible father in law

he got caught under the alias fat bear in japan`

she looks like a literal ghost. her face looks like a dead skull. literal abomination. 4/10

>Why yes I use the alias "fat bear" in Japan. How could you tell?

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Or, you know, the father could just be Choe Song. You don't have to wait until marriage to get pregnant.

Lad, no fat and no visible deformities makes her a 5/10 by default, 6/10 in India because that count is weird