Stop........ edition
Have you done anything fun today lads? It's glorious outside.
>animenigger revives shit thread
like clockwork
see you tomorrow then, faggots
lmao were you lurking here just waiting for the thread to die
Slán leat
heard last of us 2 is going to be the last jedi of vidya games
not that I liked the first or paid money for it
when will the virus just fuck off
I want a chance to live a normal life
>West Brit edition
Fuck this shit. See you lads in the next thread.
>tfw the anti social tism is coming back
>can't look people in the eye on the street
>non verbal grunts as responses
>paranoid people are staring at me or talking about me when I go out
haven't had this since secondary, have to start leaving the house ahhh
These niggas were never funny
how many of you lads DONT actually want a united ireland
playing shquad
only west brits think like that
So everybody in this thread?
you must spend a lot of effort trying not to be a west brit
go fuck yourself weeb spastic
>Vivian James
Hello newfriend
>being here for years is something to be proud of
lol ok incel
have you actually ever had sex?
Go back to /r/ireland
I don't want it if the government is going to make ludicrous concessions to the *nionists for it, such as recognising *lster Sc*ts as an official language and celebrating the 12th
yeah, with your mother
ill take that as a no so...
(especially since i have two crossdressing dads aha)
>English edition is invaded by normalfags
Every time.
not him but you had to have come from somewhere, you didnt come from a stork
speak for yourself lad, plenty proud fenians on here
About half the regular posters won't post in English editions.
The map is really something. It doesn't know which century it's in, both inventing and deleting areas whose modern accents are influenced by the northernmost historical dialect of English, in an obvious attempt to create a snowflake ethnogenesis for lowland prods.
At most it's two guys.
Neither of which contribute any Irish to the thread besides complaining about the OP not being in Irish or not having the genitive case (yet not offering any correction).
>At most it's two guys.
What are you basing that on? I actually agree with them but I wouldn't go as far as to boycott the threads. I'll just complain. Because somebody has to speak out against the constant push to turn this general into /brit/ 2.0
Scots and English separated roughly 500 years ago. We have records from queen Elizabeth about her being fluent in Scots.