
Tenochtitlan edition

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Man got the creps senpai.
Bare comfy.

Is 190 a virgin?

quite literally me

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ergo, truffles=mushrooms

>You arrive in Prestontitlan, Capital of the Galactic Lancashire Confederation, c.2021AD

i believe him when he's said he's fucked fatties

all ruins now of course

Now that the dust has settled.

Trainspotting 2 is actually a really really shit movie.

No need for it to exist at all.

Film camera

Should I buy

Yes or no

reckon if he's as extroverted and good looking as he claims to be then someone has probably at least given him a pity shag

Landlords are, indeed, too often defective in this tolerable knowledge. They are the only one of the three orders whose revenue costs them neither labour nor care, but comes to them, as it were, of its own accord, and independent of any plan or project of their own. That indolence, which is the natural effect of the ease and security of their situation, renders them too often, not only ignorant, but incapable of that application of mind which is necessary in order to foresee and understand the consequences of any public regulation.

pffffft yeah alright hard man
what was he thinking of?

Urgh... the pyramids of AZTLAN

right but it’s not literally you though is it because that’s not you in the image

the joys of aztec farming

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Would love to take 190s virginity

tried watching the first one but i only got about a quarter in because the sheer degeneracy of all the characters was offensive to me

Fucking corona has stopped me going to the chicken shop with my mates.
Thats the real tragedy, I liked that place.

i used to harp on about being those things on here to stoke my ego when it wasnt very true at all

Alexa, check the colour of this man's hands.

that where they chop off peoples heads and kick them down the pyramid stairs in that mel gibson film?

What Aztec cities would look like if it weren't for the sp*niards

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somewhat short-lived joys weren't they

that was a really good film

got called a cunt in tesco today

Don't remember that in Braveheart

they were on the decline already. spanish just helped a bit.

the main time i bragged on /brit/ about being a shagger and a normie and so forth was the first six months after i lost my virginity

Ugh... what could’ve been...

find it bizarre that restaurants that specialise in chicken have enough of a presence in britain that the term "chicken shop" is considered common parlance there

nice civilisation you got there

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Your not fast if you can't do Bathurst in 2 minutes

shut up u dutty taig

Any of you lads been to a doctor/shrink for soecial anxiety? Reckon I actually need to be on xanax at least for a while.

was alright
deleted scenes

getting a dominos for din dins

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theyre just knockoff KFCs infested with rats and patronised by droves of thick lipped hosts of the dreaded muddafuggen coon virus

>he's never lived in a dingy house doing a copious amount of drugs with his degenerate friends


have you even lived?

Someone Webb this fool

190 is doing a monologue

looks like a vegan shat on it m8

Absolute loads, usually filled with kids right after school too, zoomers going to be absolute porkers soon

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>Someone Webb this fool

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lost me gay card on the train

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who runs them? pakis?
couldn't possibly be one of those hosts you mentioned because the prospect of one of them being a business owner is laughable

that is a vile array of toppings

Slightly less than 2 standard drinks every time I go to work isn't a sustainable lifestyle I don't think.

Rorke, are you ok?
So, rorke are you ok Are you ok, rorke, are you ok?
So, rorke are you ok Are you ok, rorke rorke, are you ok?
So, rorke are you ok? Are you ok, rorke? Rorke, are you ok?
So, rorke are you ok, are you ok rorke?


Call it KKK cuz my choppa hate niggers

been to a GP three times for the ol’ ‘pression and never once been considered for meds

was referred to community mental heath meet-ups every time. Never attended them, not attending a fucking group meeting for depressed losers like myself

just baked my first bread

yeah think so

wherever there are lots of black people there will be a market for high calorie fried foods and exotic fruit. also a lot of violent crime and homicide but we're not allowed to talk about that

the poor cat

is full leopard dress considered fashionable?

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>not just self medicating from dark web
Never gonna make it

>who runs them? pakis?
yes, never been in one staffed by anything else

chicken shop
paki shop

go on square that circle if you can hehe

Dreamt I killed someone on a bus in It Happened One Night

did you actually ask for them?

filled with brown people more like

this whole fatties are better shags isnt true

they're also shit at sex as well

they just don't care about the performance is the difference

can shag a fatty and she's just happy for the shag

unlike princess slag who'll air you and act like you don't exist for a month until she wants another shag