How did Mexico not become a military dictatorship over the last 100 years unlike the rest of Latin America?
How did Mexico not become a military dictatorship over the last 100 years unlike the rest of Latin America?
How did Mexico something something, don't know and don't care.
Something something somenthing tacos
we had a dictatorship in the early 20th century
Israel is the largest supplier to the Mexican military as of 2019. They buy an absurd amount of armored vehicles and tech from you. The state company that builds armored vehicles for the Mexican military even has started designing lighter vehicles for Plasan. You should care.
Nobody cares about Israel
Diaz was over 100 years ago.
Because we chads and they virgins
Becaause we adopted the single party rule dictatorship model
Mexico has had a CIA backed monolith of a party run the country for the last 80 years
Some people say it's a dictatorship, some say it's a corrupt and oligarchic regime that benefits a small, detached elite living in haciendas with maids n shiet, but it kept the red at bay so the US always kept it afloat and helped it rig elections whenever they'd need
Kindof similar to christian democrats or whoever the fuck they had go up against the commies in Italy, where the CIA had to rig elections for 40 years straight
Maybe because this is bad for heroin supply of your country?
PRI doesn't run Mexico anymore.
Mexico mostly sends out coke, weed and meth. Heroin is Asian.
The pretty boy that was in power up until like a year ago was PRI, so they had it until very recently
But now it's not that important since the USSR doesn't exist anymore, the point is that there's no way in hell the CIA would have allowed a PRI guy to lose at any point between 1945. in 1991.
the previous two presidents before that guy weren't pri either
sure thing paki
Asia produces it, but much like coke the ones doing the comercial aspect of it are the mexican cartels
pan is still right wing
guess again turk buttmuncher
i just checked and what i said still applies
mexico was basically forced to have a capitalist and right wing government during the cold war
you only get to have guys like amlo and brown pride the party hold power because the US is going down that road too
>shills for big gov expenditure, universal income, religious and faggot freedom alongside guaranteed healtcare
>right wing
Apestas a masa frita, chil*ngo.
>right wing
PRI was socialist as fuck. The only reason why Mexico has free ride education and public health care is specifically because the PRI successfully stopped us from taking all of Mexicos oil and gas resources via nationalization.
sigue siendo derecha por donde lo veas
>es derecha solo porque no matan bebés
>ss-son derechistas porque no regalan dinero a mis bandas infantiles oaxaqueñas de música folclórica
Todo meco. Mátate a la verga.
hasta en los documentos que hay en la pagina oficial dice que son centroderechistas
Y mira, una vez me dijeron que las TERF eran de derecha porque no compartian el mismo pensamiento del feminismo.
Así que tu mogóliqueada se entiende.
>No es exactamente lo que quiero
Derechosos neoliberales hijos de puta!
>Nobody cares about Israel
se prenden los jotitos porque los sacaron a la verga de la presidencia y ya nadie los quiere
a ver si con las mamadas de vergas que van a pegar en estos 4 años y medio les dan uno que otro puesto medio importante
>p-pero en su página dicen que son de derecha!
si claro, ahora los políticos son honestos e?
Chavez dijo que no iba a expropiar nada antes de ser electo y convertirse en un tirano.
that was around ww2 time. party politics can change over time you know?