Starting at 5 players
read the rules
select name, color, and location
premarital sex is a sin

Attached: yugoquality.png (7072x3472, 2.2M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Khaganate of Khans of Genghis Khan

Macaco kingdom

Start in North Macedonia/Greece

Light blue

Alexander the Great, Reborn

2 more

starting in 5 mins if noone new joins

fuck it
starting, more people can join later

Attached: file.png (7072x3472, 2.38M)

Rolling to feel Mongolia, the empire has only begun.

The confederation of Mayapan
Yucatan peninsula

Pali, spills Kazakstan

you're in
no such thing my dude read the roll table

Attached: file.png (806x463, 46.7K)


Go for North Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and all these small nations

you have 5 minutes

Fill madagascar and head for south africa

mup 2
Keep bonuses in your name, i wont be counting them otherwise kthx

Attached: file.png (7072x3472, 2.39M)

Dammit, I said Kazakhstan not Manchuria, but anyways, fill Northern China.

Reducing my name's lenght to make my bonus visible.

Take Montenegro, Bosnia, Serbia. Spills into Greece/Croatia.

We ally our central american neighbors

Fill central america

Str8, spills Slovenia and other nearby small nations

would you mind if i just, fixed the small error of mongolia having a bonus wayy above their tile count, like, maybe down to orange +4 instead

Get Lesotho and eswatini first amd then fill all of south africa

Yes I would mind, but it was the retarded mapper who gave so much bonus to Mongolia anyways, and it's OP's decision to reduce if necesary.

Mayapan has 2 nukes
just like with bonus keep them in your name
adjused central asian country bonuses

Attached: file.png (7072x3472, 2.39M)

Move to the northern part of south africa and try to get the 2 countries above it

We finish establishing our people over all of Mexico and move towards America

I did say Bosnia before Serbia before Croatia.

Bosnia>Serbia>Croatia, spills Slovenia and Greece.

Start taking western China, before entering south eastern China, fill it all,

highly encourage any lurkers to join

Attached: file.png (7072x3472, 2.39M)

Move to the west

Fill in China

I want anywhere in sout America.
Preferably brazil

>Cornish Empire

Give me red

both of you will get 2x starting roll due to entering late

Attached: file.png (619x288, 35.64K)

Croatia and Slovenia, then Bulgaria, then Greece

Our empire rises

Fill america

Goytaka Empire
wine red
Rio de janeiro

giving you dark red
wine red is taken
someone else is in brazil aswell

Attached: file.png (538x421, 44.95K)

I'll join in Austria

The Environmentally Friendly Nomads

red/wine red are taken

You pick for me

Thanks, first time playing so I'm not sure very well how it works. I want to cover as much of south America as posible.

Also want a non agresiĆ³n pact with The confederation of Mayapan

Empire of fuego
south Argentina

Yo OP I don't have time to play now. Is there a discord server I can join that has people who play risk games?

Attached: thumb_jarvis-target-israel-when-you-realize-you-canE28099t-watch-endgame-55284417.png (300x296, 133.06K)

Can I get Argentina then?


Someone post the sheet


EFN gets light brown
Goytaka gets beige, and is placed in brazil
give me 2 mins and i'll have a mup

why are so many from SA suddenly joining anyways

Attached: file.png (7072x3472, 2.4M)

something happened while copying

Attached: file.png (722x413, 54.48K)

Fill UK

Kill Austria, spills Bulgaria and Hungary