¿Why doesn't USA save the world like in the movies?

¿Why doesn't USA save the world like in the movies?

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They're too busy destroying the world.

because every time we do we get yelled at

Why would we work against our own plans?

Like Bombing civilians and burning them to death in vietnam, invading Afghanistan looking for a nuke that never existed just for oil, trying to puppet Cuba,etc... Yes, that's saving the world

what are you going on about m8

I wish, I hate this planet.

Because Americans IRL are stupid and fat swines.

What is even worth saving anymore?

In reality the average American is very stupid
source: asian american

Because in reality it is another country who will save us all

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She is cute, but too much CCP propaganda can hurt.

i remember this asian director being super offended over criticism
>why american movie can do amazing stuff but in chinese movie is not allowed? not fair!!

>every time we do
remind me when that happened

>she is cute
literally a 4/10 at best in china

I worry about trump

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Maybe in China, but when you have low standards and like Asian women, she jumps to an 8/10.

let me guess you look like this

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Did I deny that I was a pathetic sap of shit? No, I didn't.

Point is, China bad.

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ww2 youre welcome btw and from gommunism youre welcome for that too

lol saved

>austro hungarian
?????????????????? the others are fine tho

there are dozens of countries with as much or more blood on their hands


whataboutism is relevant when you obsess over one nation and ignore the others

go chop some trees down or something

All of these were totally justified minus the Filipinos who are based and redpilled

Eigenlob stinkt
fuck chinks

oh they really do huh.

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He was talking about saving Europeans not the chosen people of Israel

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do they still make movies like that. only see capeshit and disney garbage

>and from gommunism
Didn't you guys send 10000+ vehicles to the USSR in ww2?

>aka doing things that every country does
Grow out of your socialist phase already cuck.

>singlehandedly btfo japan
>free half of europe
>btfo italy
cringe nazi is cringe. kys

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