Why is there barely any talk of Russian culture here?
Why is there barely any talk of Russian culture here?
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because every thread mentioning Russia gets deleted
I only ever come to int to shitpost and soy/gigapost
Russian culture died with the Soviet Union. They traded it away for Adidas tracksuits and 30 varieties of shitty cereals in their supermarkets.
>yes, I only post pictures of myself on int
>what gave it away
even russian imperial palaces are kitsch
What culture?
>30 varieties of shitty cereals i
it's not even that many!
A certain monke...
That's a good question with a sad answer, which I'd rather not say.
Needless to say, I'd love more threads discussing Russia. It's a very interesting county.
>Implying the other European ones arent
TBQF the most beautiful examples were destroyed by fire/Germans
I remember being a young retard and playing the original call of duty games in which russians were portrayed as crazy badasses who charge into german machine gunfire in massive slavic tidal waves
>with the soviet union
with its founding, you mean?
Is that Versailles? Cause watch your mouth when talking about France!
>30 varieties of shitty cereals
Do americans really have so much FREEDOM of choice? wtf I love USA now.
There is but nowadays it instantly gets flooded by butthurtbelters and their diaspora.
If that was culture, than Trump would be the most cultured man in America.
I'm not saying Russia has no culture, but Russian culture is not the palace of some Tsar.
Is there some blender model to create these?
How do you create them?
i mean a lot of soviet union stuff is now associated largely with russian culture right? Hammer and sickle and all that. I mean it wasn't the best time for russia but that's apart of their history and culture is molded by history. By "died" do you mean "mutated horribly?"
I just take a picture of myself, it's that simple. You should try it.
Please do tell what was Russian culture before the USSR.
>inb4 crap that 99.999999999999999% of Russians never experienced or participated in.
white people cant into royal palaces. Only the 2 Sicilies royals had taste.
Marble statues perched up like that make me nervous. I imagine them just suddenly tipping over and crushing me
they weigh a ton, they can't just suddenly tip over (unless an amerilard leans on it)
Weren't the pre-Soviet Russians just giant franceaboos?
I still am
decadent as fuck
hope it gets destroyed by an earthquake
Basé et rougepilulé
A я бoльшoй Poccиябoo!!
imperial russia had a fetish for italian art
>the swamp (((jew))) daydreams of destroying evropean cultural heritage
>comparing Trump putting GOLD LEAF on everything to people with actual taste
To invoke Trump in a discussion about architecture, art or culture is pretty ghastly
great kino
Russia is a very closed country. So noone knows shit about our culture and country itself.
Like, does anyone know about the russian cult of bread? Or two main problems of Russia?
>cult of bread
Absolutely based. Imagine not eating everything with bread.
had to google dutch royal palace. VEry disappointing, it looks like a 1800 train station