Why do northerners always act so smug. Is it compensation cause they have no culture

Why do northerners always act so smug. Is it compensation cause they have no culture

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>per 10,000 km2
wtf is this cope
Norway is much bigger than the Netherlands but they have 3 times fewer people

what does belgium have?

look at how gulturful we are :DDDD

what a meme map lol


what is sparse population?

Midsommar > Octoberfest

>actually being proud of having a small country

Why are the whites like this

belgium is a european art project thus all blue

But 4chins told me Belgium was a non country with no culture??

We should be in first place desu

>a festival where Swedes drive American tourists crazy and then sacrifice them
Hard pass

They're compensating for their cucked emasculating society, as is most every developed country these days

The only thing more disgusting than a Swede is a patriotic one

I dont think about austria

Attached: 1582296831194.jpg (600x375, 77.18K)

Seething Alpinoid mongrel. Stop speaking German, you are not Germanic.

They have a lot of medieval castles and shit

for all intents and purposes your are northern european, cuck

Nope, Austrians are not Germanic. The rulers of Austria were of Germanic origin, but the peasants were alpinoids. That's why they speak German, they are mongrels in disguise. Personally I don't like it too much.

what could've been without the 30 yeas war, ugghh

i d prefer if we had 0

UNESCO heritage sites are meme anyways, this shithole village has 40 houses and its considered one, its worthless

Attached: vlkolinec03.jpg (800x600, 143.19K)

>Why do northerners
think you're a southerner now, Adolf?

My mum always says that it's better to try and regret, instead of not trying and regretting.

what a shitty retarded map

think you're a southerner now, Salazar?

is the smallest shit now the measure of all things?

Attached: unesco heritage lübeck.jpg (1024x1001, 157.78K)

this one actually

I heard they tell that to all 13 year olds that get raped in norway

The pedos live in Austria, not in Norway. Kys Fritzl.

Nooo we can't be a real country!


Attached: ss (2019-11-07 at 02.42.11).jpg (513x510, 31.85K)

Austria is just the goat of europe. More soul than nordcucks, more industrious than southrons. We are too good for this shitty continent