/mena/ + /diaspoop/ + /intcels/

>I suffer on planet earth

Attached: web3-planet-earth-space-nasa-space-stars-sun-shutterstock_526255060-shutterstock.jpg (1200x600, 1.15M)

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الأول من أجل العراج

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come sit in my lap, little gatar.

I timed how long it took me to cum and got 36:17. Thoughts?


no comment

>I suffer in MENA
Literally olive, fig and grape trees as far as the eye can see as long as you aren't living in a soulless desert.

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What is the solution, brother? Shouldn't we start enslaving women and own them like property so no one ever needs to be alone again. Death is knocking at my door, i don't know how much longer i can hold him off

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what kind of nose do you guys have?

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How comes everyone ignore this fucking magnificent song ?

why worry? men always win at the end. this is our world brother

I know nothing will change but I want Kim to die so sister Kim can take over. She just seems so kawaii!

hey we do have dates.. and and.. lemons.. and uhhh.. blackberries

she is actually worse/more evil than Kim kek
pretty good song, post another

imagine with a nazi government...

I knew about the dates, didn't know you guys can grow lemons and blackberries. The lemon tree in my parent's front yard almost always has lemons on it, very weird

Is war the only solution to all

I hope she wins so i can fantasize about she attacking Sweden and taking me as a slave to be used in a sexual manner by her as punishment for the Swedish restistance against the Best Koreans. And how angry she is because she Swedish bvll troops killed many Best Koreans during the war so now i have to be punished for Sweden's sins

>she is actually worse/more evil than Kim kek
She looks so pretty and soft like a goddess. The only way one knows she is evil is she being a woman. All women are evil and demonic in nature :/

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why is /mena/ so incredibly gay?

>falsetine is rael

Attached: 873.jpg (600x678, 77.17K)


I met a Dane in Palestine once, he was incredibly attractive. Never been straight since.


كس أخت تركيا


Well they're not everywhere like in sham countries but yea.


dont you guys call us atar? why is lebanese dialect feminine?

let me rape you

كسم يلي ما بسمع هي. (اسف)

>let me
>rape you

Fucking lol, we don't do this to all words you know, I remember when I was in middle school and we were in Arabic class, the teacher would always ask us to speak in fusha and some kids would transform all words with ق into a ء
So they ended up saying shit like قحمد or القحوال

very few speak arabic in lebanon

>muhASSyria we wuz empirrr an sheeit
على الاقل اليهود جمعوا نفسهم بدولة
ليش الاشوريين ما يجمعوا الشتات ببلد مثل الاسرائيليين؟

>نويد تحويو الإواء

Attached: IMG_2695.jpg (739x415, 25.51K)

العراق هو إستمرار دولة الآشورين والبابلين

idk I think mostly politicians there say qatar and on the news or some other place atar, just what I hear

I don't get what you are trying to say user
that is unironiclaly true, most people here suck at speaking Arabic, Even some politicians ( Saad hariri) but not me, no no, I'm an expert


why do you mock people I respect if you don't want me to mock people you respect?
Yes we say Qatar, nobody says atar tho

لا كردستان الحالية هو الوطن الاشوري
حتى الاكراد راح يحصلوا بلد وانتو لا
العراق كان كلداني وسومري الاشوريين ما عندهم شي بوسط وجنوب العراق

I wasn't mocking him. I think it's cute how he says Iwa2

Uday had the same speech impediment

Also Nasrallah liked Saddam :)

الاشوريين لازم يجمعوا الشتات ويطردوا الاكراد ويصنعوا الهم دولة قومية مثل اسرائيل


I wish I had a pet Eevee

Attached: 72485D35-F254-4FA1-B0CC-2F4064EBB26A.jpg (1000x989, 197.08K)

Why? (curiously asking)

أنا مو آثوري يا زمال. روح اتزقنب بتركيا ويا كوادك أردوغان

لعد شنو اذا مو اشوري؟
مو قبل كم شهر انت كلت بنفسك انك اشوري؟

لأن هم كلاب ومخربين. احتلونا ٥٠٠ سنة والآن يؤيدون الإرهاب بسوريا

I wish I had a pet trigger happy Charizard, who hates Brazilian favela thots living in Texas and who uses a Saudi Proxy on an underwater nuclear fission discussion board.

I want this thing, I saved his picture because it thought it looked funny but now I'm getting attached to him.

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