What are your thoughts on Indo-European women?

What are your thoughts on Indo-European women?

Attached: indo-european woman.webm (576x1024, 1.79M)

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Yeah I'm thinking she's based

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Their sweat smells like hairy men sweat, but it's hard to notice at first due to the intoxicating curry smell

imagine ejaculating in her?

Someone please post more of her tiktoks.

no thank you

Looks trinidadian

I've heard that many Indians actually think Europeans and especially Anglos smell like rotten milk because of the high amounts of dairy in our diet. Can any Pajeets in this thread confirm?

How can you tell?

Wouldn't a Trini girl either be mixed with African or look the same as any other Pajeeta?

I dont think so but I grew up on western diet and around western people

Brits imported a lot of Indians to Trinidad when they owned both

I like this one for sure

>SHE'S 17



Attached: soy coffee.webm (640x358, 1.91M)

Fuck you wh*teoids seriously.
I've been to so many countries in the west honestly, you guys smeel REAL BAD man.
I'm not trying to pick a fight here so don't get me wrong. I've been near you guys and most of you smell like rotten cheese and milk.
I know we smell like curry but goddamn calm down with that lactose stuff, its smell like HELL when you don't use deodorent.

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>I'm going in

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Why does she look 32?

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She is legal in Ελλάς

>Land of the ""free""
>Can't have sex with a 17 year old

Both you, wh*tes, and literally everyone except East/Southeast Asians smells like shit. Fuck all of you.

I thought she looked mid 20's. But in any case 16 is legal here.

17 is legal in my state and most states fuck you gay retard

This sounds like cope

It varies by state

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fucked an Indian nurse at the hospital while my mom was taking chemotherapy the next room over
she was cute but the skin tone and accent are a big turnoff


Land of the free btw

Attached: age-of-consent-europe.jpg (1800x1800, 742.09K)

My ancestors :)

Wtf? I am an outlaw

Attached: 77F0CC7B-2BF3-4B71-8774-5439D44F4285.jpg (200x200, 19.76K)

Also, fun fact:

>If fuck a 16 year old from a state who's Age of consent is 18 you can be arrested. Even if you're in a state that has an 16 age of consent.

>If you go to a country and fuck a girl lower then your state's Age of consent you can be arrested.

what did ukraine mean by 16 in practice