Name a more inept and incompetent Indo-European ethnicity than Italians

Name a more inept and incompetent Indo-European ethnicity than Italians.

Protip: you can't.

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nah, try again

I'm not going to say Spaniards because is way too obvious.

I'll go with people who work in Port of Rotterdam.

the greek?

So, Spania-oooohhh

They're playing a rigged game. Try again.

just stop with this obsession

the sicillians?

Ok, I'll tell you: none.

I want his cum so bad

Same but I don't like men

Italians are north african.

Diasporaniggers are not human

Do femcels actually?

Hittites because they got BTFOED by Turks

italians are based much more than any nordic country for sure


in fact the only people that replicated what "aryans " did in the ancient past are all mediterranean people

specially if you count that the duch and the british empire were (((merchant empires)))

(may allah forgive me for uttering this word) kurds?

Hittites were long gone as a linguistic group before turks showed up

Iranians and Afghans did well.
You have a point with Uttar Pradesh injuns and k*rds.

furente normaloide che non può uscire di casa

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Come ci si sente ad essere lo scarto della società?

molto bene per la verità, sto da dio
come ci si sente ad essere un normaloide schifoso rifugiato dei social che sta impazzendo dentro casa invece?

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>hugging Chinese people who infected them to begin with to "show support"

you won't find a more pathetic ethnicity right now period

potrebbe andare peggio :^)

potremmo lasciare i bar chiusi per qualche altro mese
niente apericene amico bello

ora chiamo conte e glie lo dico


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Name a more historically glorious Indo-European ethnicity than Italians.

Protip: you can't.

Attached: Italian_Renaissance_montage11 (1).png (720x1077, 1.38M)