Do american blacks do this?

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yes, even X had some tweets about darkskin girls being shit, its issue in their community

Holly Jesus, some African-americans were straight-up saying that people from Africa weren't humans.

Oh yeah. Blacks say shit to each other that if a white person did they'd get their brains beat out

People say that all the time on here about everyone

Very weird. How come whites are the only people who do not discriminate amongst ourselves regarding skin colour?

because you guys discriminate against each other on everything else
most judgemental race

Lmao black twitter is imploding
Nobody likes black girls except whites with jungle fever.

Colorism in is a thing among all groups of people on this planet. Even white people do it. I constantly read, witness, or hear people hating gingers, pasty or pale skin, too tanned skin, brown eyes, dark hair, etc. And It goes both way. There are probably more tweets hating on light skinned blacks than there are tweets hating on dark skinned blacks.

>Nobody likes black girls except whites with jungle fever.
Not true at all.

Bro they don't even like themselves. I'm talking actual blacks, not blacks that are mixed with X ethnicity.

there are loads of super peng black girls

Latinos also like black girls, but asians hate.

certain somalian girls are absolute 10/10s

Lmao they used to get abused everyday and now everyone loves them

You're 100% wrong. Plenty of people love dark skinned black women. In my experience people flocking after the light skin or mixed black girls is hype. Most end up dating black women with dark or brown skin.

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i still abuse them looool but my tings somali and shes too leng
bonus that i violate her to her face

I'm not wrong, I actually grew up in a black community so I know the truth. In school, nobody liked dark skinned girls as well, so this hits them mentally.

>I actually grew up in a black community so I know the truth.
lmao no you don't. In my middle and high schools the most popular or beautiful girls of my year were dark skinned girls. And they were legit beautiful it was none of that pc shoe horned in for diversity bullshit.

>no no no no
How are you saying no to shit I saw growing up? Are you retarded?
Darkskin girls were fucking ugly in school. They'll tell you that themselves.

>pc shoe horned in for diversity bullshit
how can a students beauty be shoe horned in for diversity looool they're not actors

they get violated here where schools have no pc culture americans are filtered

this, i too went to an all-black school

I never understood why nogs hate dark skins so much. I'd never fuck a black girl but if I had to it'd be the darkest ebony broad I could find.

yts choose gingers or poo eyes to bully each other for

>Are you retarded?
I could ask the same of you but I realized the UK has a very much smaller number of black people in their country than the U.S. so your small number of poverty stricken black girls could very well have been ugly. Disbite that I'm telling you that plenty of people find dark skin black women to be beautifu and that's a fact.

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decades of conditioning from society mostly, I mean black people were always viewed very lowly in society, were among the poorest, literal slaves. Shit carried on and segregation really had some profound effects on the AA community as well. But I think mostly they're fine with each other, Twitter is just Twitter. They really shitpost on there like we do here its nuts. But blacks basically have a free pass to be as racist as they want and say whether these days.

No, we just had actual blacks and not mullatos. All blacks in America have like 1/5th Euro blood minimum. Here, we had african darkskins straight from the continent, and they looked horrendous. It should be enough of an indicator when THEY themselves are calling each other ugly.

Blacks a big self haters tb h

You keep talking yourself into a hole. You're crazy if you think there are no beautiful black women that come straight from Africa. The woman in the picture is Sudanese. I could go on for days.

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Even here dude, lightskin ones got more attention and darkskin were treated like they dont exist

Of course you can go on for days. There are pretty girls of all races. Also, I didn't say none of them look pretty, just that nobody really liked them here while I was growing up. It's rare for a darkskin girl to be pretty, and that is the harsh truth that blacks will tell you themselves. I think a black person saying that has more authority than a white American. The ones that look good consistently are East african darkskins and the Nilotics, but the most common blacks that are seen in the West are West Africans.
This isn't even exclusive to blacks. Pretty much every nonwhite community does this. Asians, Indians, Arabs, Hispanics etc. all see lighter skin = good, darker skin = bad.

Do you think this will ever change though? Its unfortunately true, what you said.

>It's rare for a darkskin girl to be pretty, and that is the harsh truth that blacks will tell you themselves.
The truth is that for even white people it's rare for someone to be attractive. Attractive people are rare. Most people are average and that's okay. So to me a, person that spends somewhat equal parts of time between black and white communities here, I know for a fact that I see the same amount of attractive people between both groups. Obviously everyone regardless of race gets uglier the lower they are on the socioeconomic ladder.

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>Nobody likes black girls except whites with jungle fever.
And i happen to be one of them

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Because we realise that being pale isn’t that great.
Every black and brown woman dreams of being lighter