Everyone gather around, an extremely important issue has arisen...

Everyone gather around, an extremely important issue has arisen. Posting on Yas Forums since this is the /gigachad/ board.

I have come across (not very substantiated) claims that Gigachad is not even based on a real person but is entirely the product of the Sleek'N'Tears lady's unhinged imagination and computer graphics. The main argument is the attached image which, allegedly, contains an original and it's shooped version. The person in the two pics on the left is supposedly some dude named Valentin Babaev who doesn't even resemble Gigachad.

But what about Persian Russian model Ernest Khalimov? What about the numerous "real life" out-of-studio pics? Does anyone have the Gigachad redpill?

Attached: 15879085057480[1].jpg (960x876, 195.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>tl;dr pls

Attached: 1587880280785.jpg (1080x1349, 89.84K)

Everyone knows those pics are photo shopped beyond recognition dude

Gigachad is shopped

You can't read 5 lines of text? Wow, so this is the power of the American zoomer... The guy in your pic has nothing to do with Gigachad, btw, completely different model.

h-he can't be fake right?

she is pretty

don't worry, the true Gigachad is the edits we made along the way

Attached: 1582411590197.jpg (667x624, 134.04K)

Nothing new there
tldr that too chump I see the box of text getting smaller

Attached: 1587684887196.jpg (320x393, 12.21K)

>why yes i dont like memes or OPs dumb post how could you tell ?

Attached: 1587472565017.jpg (1080x1326, 83.29K)

Yeah, of course they're shopped that's not the point. The widely accepted version is that they're, none the less, shopped images of the model Ernest Khalimov who does look similar to Gigachad. These people say that no such person exists and Gigachad was essentially drawn from scratch. That is kind of mind boggling, given how many images there are of him.

Attached: 83637097_1520013684828885_6947531024399789148_n[1].jpg (570x570, 70.03K)

Gigachad is real

Attached: gigachad glasses.webm (480x600, 1.39M)

This is shopped, I can tell from the pixels

So is the face in actually not real and not even based on a real one but entirely computer generated? Have we come too far?

Oh, great, then I rest assured.

To be clear. It is entirely believable that every image of him is shopped. The question is whether they are based on a real person or not.

n-no, this cant be

Attached: 1584892570373.png (448x478, 397.74K)


Attached: Tim shift supervisor Chad.jpg (1242x1394, 342.91K)

Yeah, nah. Not going to listen to a Russian lie about Gigachad being fake.

Welcome to the Internet, how's your first day?
Yes, "Ernest" is a photoshop, that's been known for years now. "Ernest" is a dude with "BERLIN" tattoo on his abdomen
The rest of Sleek models are real bodybuilders, fitness instructors and instagram\onlyfans whores like Roma Acorn, this dude (Artur, he's a dentist), Vlad Fedorchenko etc etc etc.

Everybody knows hes shooped lmao you goofballs i cant believe you thought it was real.

>was essentially drawn from scratch
He essentially was with the amount of photoshop, that pic included.

Okay, so a simple question then. Is this image (only using it as an example) based on a photograph? If so, who's the person in the photograph?

hello newfag, yes everyone knows this already

That's Swedish Gigachad

Funny, how everyone saying "everyone knew this" has not posted any proof whatsoever. Every remotely sensible source says this is "Ernest Khalimov". So is this common knowledge of yours an unspoken truth? Apparently, it's your first day on the Internet, there's a simple rule here: make claim, post source. Otherwise you're talking out of your ass.

I believe Ernest is a real person an the studio pics are real for the most part, I wouldnt doubt the real person is somewhat less masculine tho, but the car photo intrigues me as well

Attached: 462.png (585x614, 232.38K)

>I do not like memes.

Attached: 1571344481321.jpg (621x697, 455.76K)

>Everyone gather around, an extremely important issue has arisen. Posting on Yas Forums since this is the /gigachad/ board.

>I have come across (not very substantiated) claims that Gigachad is not even based on a real person but is entirely the product of the Sleek'N'Tears lady's unhinged imagination and computer graphics. The main argument is the attached image which, allegedly, contains an original and it's shooped version. The person in the two pics on the left is supposedly some dude named Valentin Babaev who doesn't even resemble Gigachad.

>But what about Persian Russian model Ernest Khalimov? What about the numerous "real life" out-of-studio pics? Does anyone have the Gigachad redpill?

Attached: A3DC14C3-032F-45D2-9349-9E6D150A7CB8.png (600x687, 36.44K)

bros why is she like this? it's creepy

Actually, unlike the fags around here, 2ch anons have hooked me up with at least something. Here's the crazy lady: vk.com[slash]kristasudmalis (delete the space) but what's more interesting here's this Babaev fellow: vk.com[slash]id147785206. He does look somewhat like the guy in the "unedited version" and, judging by their accounts, they're dating. Plus it does seem that "Ernest" does not appear in any of the studio's videos (vk.com[slash]videos-27554836). So apparently "Ernest" is some sort of combination of the studio's models and not a real person.
>inb4 fags claim they were aware of all the info in this post
>inb4 fags don't have anything on top of that like her actually admitting the guy isn't real