Modern Japanese have some 40-45% of their Y-DNA from Jomon, but only 15-20% of their autosomal ancestry. This means that a small group of Jomon males fucked a lot of Yayoi females.
Modern Japanese have some 40-45% of their Y-DNA from Jomon, but only 15-20% of their autosomal ancestry...
Thanks for sharing, autismo, but why are russians obsessed with cuckoldry?
>obsessed with cuckoldry
i am jomon
because russian women hate russian men and this sexually arouses ivan
thats where their marcial militarist way of life came from
The modern Japanese history started from the race mix between ancient Ainu dads and ancient Korean moms.
When Korean women opened legs for Jomon cock, Japan began.
I am han chinese. How close am I genetically to the japs?
very, all east asians are remarkably close to each other, the jomon were for the most part originally pacific islanders, from which east asians in general came roughly 20,000 years ago
Very close if your ancestry came from the Yangtze river (Shanghai, Nanking, Wuhan).
Not that close if you came from the Yellow river and northward.
Good map
Is that some Russian actor acting like Ainu?
He's a future Ekashi.
post some yaoi girls pls
Yuki Amami, she has quintessential Yayoi skull and sinodont teeth.
is he jomon
Jomon skull: rectangular orbits, sundadont teeth
Yayoi: circular orbits, sinodont teeth (when smiling, front teeth are largely exposed)
This guy is
Where is the actual origin of the Jomon people?
I've heard that they were migratory Eurasians (from somewhere) or from some Artic population.
>sundadont teeth
jomon = ASEAN
japan must be given ASEAN membership
American education
>my other shirt is a trans-am
wtf does this mean
See the map. D1 (North central Asia) is the origin of Jomon.
Eurasia is huge muh dude.
Thank you.
eurasian in refers to the whole supercontinent, including west eurasia and east eurasia.
in genetics refer*
The Japanese gene pool still has a sizable population of hairy males like this.
They clearly carry Jomon genes in appearance, unlike you beardlet.