Why are americans like this?

why are americans like this?


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stick your little white cross up ur ass

lowkey envy americans that they can experience this insanity first hand. imagine just take a walk with your friends and interact with this batshit insane people, what a great day it would be

it must be so interesting to walk down the street and see these obese, 90 IQ landwhales and their plumber husbands screaming about still existing rights during a health emergency

its like staring retardation in the eye, the day to day life in the US must be like a safari

are you upset?

they're stupid but they're right about a lot of things honestly

even a broken clock is right once in a while, doen't change a fact they are a bunch of retards

Right about the part concerning eating raw meat and not washing hands?



Because of 9/11. It ripped the spirit out of the country and we've been running on fumes since then. The last hurrah of the Left actually being cool or interesting like they're supposed to be was in 2008 with Obama getting elected and everyone getting excited about that, even if he was a bad president. Meanwhile the Right has devolved into Yas Forums larpers and visionless limp boomer politicians who constantly apologize for their lack of effective stewardship, clinging onto the fact that they are on the side of tradition and God but, as is American tradition, their Rightness is tarnished by American ignorance and American corporate boot-kissing and American inertia and American fat. The current flavor of the American Right is being reactionary to SJW culture, with Fox hosts salivating when an internet pundit guests on their show and "owns the libs". What the conservative pundits and politicians don't understand is that it's not enough to just own the libs or elect a president who will fight the libs, you also have to connect with the libs and work with them, like a husband has to connect with his wife. The Left is a batshit insane wife and the Right is a faggot husband who denies his fault in the matter.

The thing you're seeing here with these coronaviruses is an example of the "inertia" that has set into American culture, and in this case the American Right. Whenever something new or unexpected happens that challenges the habits of the American Right-centric ethos, like climate change or the need to find new energy sources or an unprecedentedly severe health hazard, they view it as an attack on their values by various boogeymen.

In reality, covid-19 far, FAR worse than any other global epidemic of the past 20 years, like, orders of magnitude worse, and 100,000 Americans are projected to die, WITH precautions taken. As of the turn of the month, 1,500 Americans were dying a day - that's half a 9/11 a day, for many days on end.


Lmao what is that channel. Those videos are far more bizzarre than all the webms i've seen on this board

this desu

>100,000 Americans are projected to die, WITH precautions taken
it's nothing
especially since we're talkiing about obese and/or very old

aмepикa cocaть)))

>it's just another flu

This is how you get America on his knees. Not by warfare, but by introducing a virus. They have no discipline or community. It rots from the inside.

The USA must be such a interesting place to be with all those crazy people

God bless these fucktards
Tbh, as a guy thats in front row of this covid bullshit, it's not that scary as media portrays it, but its not just a flu either

for me, it's the Terp King

first 5 seconds already has fatman on scooter

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As someone who is actually educated in this field past the graduate level and no doubt more intelligent than you, please fuck off.

I know you are probably some internet """educated"""" loner, but you know nothing but what you are told. Shut up.

Fuck I hate this country sometimes. These stupid people vote! Martin Luther King didn't die for this.


So what does Trump do in response? You fucking guessed it, he fails to perceive the real, unprecedented danger and calls it a democrat hoax. (It wasn't, and starts killing over a thousand of his citizens every day.) He does too little, too late, and fails to convey the gravity of the situation to his base, who start autistically marching, like they're better than the fucking black plague and the spanish flu and polio and wouldn't have had to adjust their lifestyles in any of those cases. When shit hits the fan, you have to respond and do things that may be inconvenient. What the fuck would the current population of our country do if they were transported back to 1938 and had to mobilize for WWII? Gone are the fucking days of Eisenhower, and FDR, and George Patton, and Einstein and John von Neumann. What an incompetent bunch. The adults in the room have left. They abdicated in the 1960s.

And then Trump continues to waste people's time and attention by "epically baiting" the democrats with sarcastic remarks about how to combat the virus, despite the fact that his own delusion about being a democrat hoax has contributed to thousands of American deaths.

So that's why. In this case, the libz actually had a much more lucid and appropriate response to the situation. Fuck SJWs and pedes, fuck tumblr and fuck Yas Forums. What a drag. What an utter waste of time.

Not saying you're one of them, but that's another thing our Republicans tend to do. They scream and protest about certain threats to life, but are indifferent to the threats that don't tickle their values. So they beat their chests over 9/11, but don't care about the hundreds of kids who have died in mass shootings caused by the subsequent cultural and spiritual decay precipitated by 9/11. They care about abortion (I do too), but they dismiss 100,000 Americans dying as a foreseen mundane thing, because IT'Z THE FLU.

>this channel

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for me it's hitler-lives-under-antarctica guy. The hat just makes it perfect


More like 60-65k deaths. Trump made his prediction less than a week ago.

Attached: trump_US_coronavirus_deaths_prediction.png (1110x1300, 728.55K)

Unironically freedom, they are free to act as stupid as they can be, and it's not necessarily a bad thing

Trump has shown in the last month that he is a complete retard.

literally how i imagined nascar fans. 10/10 would party with and leave asap after.


It is as Carlin said, the world's a circus and Americans have front-row seat

Are you posting from New Berlin?

I thought America was the circus.

>in the last month
He's shown that he was an idiot through the entirety of the Obama presidency, all the way through his own presidential campaign, and now through the entirety of his own presidency. This last month is business as usual for anyone that has been paying attention.

gestapo is on their way

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he never even called the virus a hoax, he called the panic (remember the few toilet paper hoarders?) a hoax, retard.


oh man, his channel is awesome

>roll tide
Mega fukkin cringe bro

this. it's like the inverted bell curve where retards and the intelligent agree on the same thing.

>this cope

>this retardation
next time read beyond the headline you lazy fag

I actually felt sorry for the black guy, he literally was the only normal person in that

A pandemic is just too high IQ a crisis for him. He just wants to shoot missiles and shit, but he's stuck with something internal, invisible, and contagious.

>roll tide
i don't even know what that is. But they look like fun. You just have to leave before it affects your iq.

>of the Left actually being cool or interesting like they're supposed

The priorities of you shit mongers

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You have a point, but I never said he called the virus a hoax. I said he called the "danger" a hoax - or more accurate to what I meant, the prospect of danger.