

Attached: 1575338211482.jpg (640x700, 68.93K)

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where's the gonal angle man? lose fat

Attached: yes..jpg (647x659, 40.42K)

Prussian German ethnicity

Thankfully he pointed out it was a meme, I would have forgotten to laugh otherwise.

cool meme

Think, this is what sweden used to be about.


Is it funny because he has a smoljaw?
otherwise I see nothing wrong with it

do swedes really do this?

That twitter post is at least a year old

he's legit retarded person


Attached: EAJ4PvkXUAAxjvJ.png (587x509, 310.52K)

all he had to do was to look in the opposite direction

whiteys are truly pathetic

if we was that smart he wouldn't work as a waiter

>receding hairline
>delusional about being an aryan chad
oh no no no, do swedes really

dangerously close to anglo beakface

he's actually from norway

>not swedish

Attached: 1485159071183.gif (256x256, 458.18K)

Post the edited version with the receded chin.

Laughed at first cause I thought he was ironically doing Prussian German Ancestry. Shame.

didn't he also dodge the draft ?

I like this one

Attached: muttChad.jpg (563x492, 49.55K)

he serves people?

Attached: 1559854686758.jpg (600x539, 33.44K)



He could actually look like the image if he just lost some weight, unironically.

I wasn't allowed to go to army because I'm too ugly, but he's some sort of a hypocrite

looks fine honestly
Well he probably doesnt approve of his governments policies so why would he serve to defend that government?

I mean he surely sould have pulled it off with a better angle
the cringy thing is that he tried to take the picture himself, looks like shit because of it.

Attached: Screenshot_4.png (609x362, 26.55K)

lmao fucking pathetic
i thought rightoids want to protect their countrymen from brown people. also sucking police/army dick 24/7 is typical rightoid behaviour