Here's your WWIII teams senpai

Here's your WWIII teams senpai

Attached: BRI vs non BRI Countries.png (6460x3480, 1.97M)

America switches sides when it realises it has to go to war with Israel.


>Japan being my ally
>USA being my ally as well

Spain will be at war with itself

What's belt and road and why have we betrayed the Commonwealth for it?

>America and Brazil working together

>on the same team

Kek, you don't know what's up, then.

>north korea

Like the guy who shoots himself in the foot to excuse himself from the draft.

Have fun being in debt for life.

Weird way to decide teams.

>on the same team

Why didn't the DPRK sign it?

Good point.

>India and Russia not on the same team.
Yeah no, not happening.
we're not going to betray the Ruskis so easily. That's for sure.

>Western Europe

Blue stomps low difficulty

Its a big fuck off chinese infrastructure project to redirect global trade with them in the middle. They have been buying european ports, made a new alternative to the IMF called the AIIB, and buying loads of African resources. It's like an economic new world order to replace the US without falling into the thucydides trap.

Considering we got the biggest dick on the block and you wetbacks are always trying to slither in, it's more cringe that we are allies with your kind.

Et tu, Eesti?


We'll be neutral most likely. Then on side will cause a false flag attack and we will side them and get fucked over.

Debt trap for low IQ Third World nations. Chinese give loans to these countries to fund infrastructure projects, all built using Chinese labour so the loan recieving country doesn't actually gain any experience in building things. The loan recieving country then fails to pay back the loan after which the Chinese take control of some port or natural resource in the stupid country.

I don't think that they got an offer. Norks are already Chinas vassal and allowing them to join the BRI would probably ruin it's image and make it less palatable for western countries to join. China is having real problems with Sino-phobia in Austrlia who they despratly want in the BRI because of the natural resources and uranium reserves. If they allow norks in it will probably contravene sanctions and add fuel for the Blue Dot Network (The Aus-Jap-USA alternative to the BRI which is trash atm as India is doing its own thing with "Act East").

Australia invades New Zealand early in the campaign (wins easily) while spearheading an invasion of Indonesia with help from the American navy

You'll be too busy dealing with fifth columnists

I will never battle against Italy or Portugal.

>Alliance between US and NK
Fucking BASED

Attached: 1503178818235.png (745x390, 106.81K)

BRI stands for Based and Redpilled Initiative



>Posted from Hinkley Point


>north korea is on our team