I have a question. No trying to be offensive. Why is it that its usually the tutorial countries that have a ton of degenerates? I know a swede and a finnish man and both of them I have drank with. They talk about DUDE DRUGS ALCOHOL SEX LMAO GOD IS A LIE and the finish giy being a hippie doing raves in his country, dancing in the forest high on lsd and shit.
If you have enough material wealth you have free time to pursue other things in life. Some people kill their boredom with what you would call degenerate behaviour
Nathan Collins
The West chose laissez-faire as its principle of organising life. Being propelled by passions, eternally running in circles - this is what is appropriate to the path that was chosen.
Yeah I'd say their love for drugs, sex and partying coupled with a lack of religion is pretty standard, at least if you're the type of guy that goes to countries like the Phillipines which offers a lot of those things. Swedes are meek and timid here at home but can be pretty scummy abroad
When it comes to my degeneracy I like to drink and on occasion hook up with girls on dating apps
Dylan Hernandez
>tutorial countries What?
Alexander Clark
I'm not a degenerate. I only want to have sex with my lifetime partner.
Owen Foster
But what about philippines?
Caleb Reed
1. You get a democracy. This requires millions of skilled workers contributing a fixed rate ot their income to the government, (taxes), so the government can be powerful enough to enforce the rule of law. 2. Workers in a modern economy become skilled via university. Most westerners attend university. 3. University necessarily makes students analyse and question anything. They begin to lose traditional values. 4. The student leaves the university and gets a decent job. The citizen must now contribute his wealth to taxes and consumption, in order to fuel the economy. 5. Interestingly, the citizen's wealth cannot be fully used up in taxes and consumerism, otherwise they go bankrupt and cause financial instability. The citizen's lifestyle must be a perfect balance of income and spending, this crucially means the citizen wants for nothing, yet doesn't have the capital to escape this situation. 6. The citizen therefore becomes bored. There is no significant challenge to living, yet no possible way of escaping. All your friends and family are here. Moving elsewhere is logically pointless - you want for nothing here, and you don't have the time for it - your job takes up most of it. Coupled with the citizen's analytic mind developed in university, this leads them to question things, especially regarding tradition. Citizen starts doing strange shit to justify their existence. People start copying said citizen to feel a part of something greater than their mundane existences. The fire rises. 7. Citizen has children. The cycle repeats itself.
Henry Richardson
You cant even get drugs here that easy anymore, back then it was a seriously rapidly expanding problem. Even getting weed is harder, and while I think other drugs are definitely a no no, not so on weed.
But, okay. Now I feel I understand more of how Scandis are. They both love fipland because things are more lax here.
Ryder Rogers
Some people are just not as Incel and anti social like you kaguyafag
Drugs are still easy access they are just alot more expensive and it's now the chinese variant thats everywhere No more homemade
Parker Edwards
Yeah from what I've heard Duterte is pretty serious about his war on drugs. But it's still easy to party and drink in the Philippines?
Chase Sanders
We are not degenerate, but there are outliers and exceptions here and there. We love god, we love basic respect and dignity, we hate drugs and degenerates. We believe drugs destroy your brain so necessarily the best solution, if already have taken too much drugs, is to shoot him. I mean, thats mercy killing if anything, avoiding more suffering for him.
Countries where you have to actively try to be poor or a loser like the scandinavian countries, USA, Germany etc.
David Wright
>But it's still easy to party and drink in the Philippines? Yes and party drugs are still rampant again it's now mostly coming exclusively from china
William Bailey
Obviously you live in some sheltered community. Tell that to my relativea place in Taguig. Lot of poor people. Full of druggies everywhere back then, now its pretty clean. Some got shot, some escaped in hiding somewhere, some went to rehab.
Countries that are tutorial in difficulty scales. They are countries where you can be as retarded as possible and stil have an chance to live comfortably and be successful. They have almost zero problems and all their problems if any are artificially produced so they can say B BUT WE HAVE PROBLEMS TOO!!