Nice HDI, faggot

Nice HDI, faggot

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Nice skyscrapers loser

I'm in the boot

Why would you want skyscrapers? I like having a view over the city and the ocean, and not being blocked by capitalist pigs' office buildings.

lol strayans kicked out

I can accept Norway and Switzerland, but Ireland HDI is super-inflated by the European business being based there and being a tax haven. The average Irish does not have a high standard of living thus proving HDI to be a meme

post dublin rent costs

yeah i agree

They ooze bick dick energy

Ireland exposed HDI. Germany is the first actual big country in these rankings.

HDI is a meme metric in which meme countries score higher.
>Norway: irrelevant country with lots of oil
>Ireland: Tax haven
>Switzerland: base for judische hochfinanz

They ooze compensation.
There's a reason the third world loves their skyscrapers.

Ireland is not first world?

>The average Irish does not have a high standard of living
Seethe more anglo

Average Irish IQ is around 95.

Yeah okay but is the average Irishman impoverished compared to his western counterparts?

Seethe and cope, angloid

>mub meme index
have fun being a third world shithole after the oil crash, norGAY

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Why would I care about how irrelevant Norway is on the international scene. If England is SOO relevant internationally, how will that help you in anyway when most of you live in rented brickhouses and are minimum wagecuck? It will just be a false sense of proudness, which will not help your shitty life

I was wrong, it is actually even lower.

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It's brought down by all the knackers, everyone knows that.

>muh environment cope
Real explanation in pic related

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>falling for such blatant propaganda
Keep sucking up to your beloved family of inbred pedos, nigel

Look up what GNI is, look up Ireland's and then look up Australia's and then report back and aplogize

Believing this without critically examining the atrocious methodology actually strongly suggests you're the one with the low IQ

Switzerland is nice, but Ireland and Norway are shitholes in the winter and Ireland even terrible in the summer.
HDI or not, not a nice place to live.

Ireland is the most beautiful country in the world during summer, flora does not grow as fast or as abundantly anywhere else in the world apart from a rain forest

Depends on where you live in Norway, Oslo is closer to Rome than Kirkenes (border to Russia). North and South Norway are completely different climate-wise, Oslo is not that different to the climate in North Germany.

>Shu... Shut the fuck up.

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Why are the Irish subhumans? Is it their potato-based diet?


what flora? you guys cut down all your trees

I forgot trees were the only kind of plant

I am not impressed by grasses growing fast.


Only the potato-brains could be fooled into thinking Dublin being a tax haven means they live in a country with the same living standards as Norway and Switzerland. Connacht, Munster and the Midlands are absolute shitholes. Bulgaria tier country.

This. I wish Canada was irrelevant.

We have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, we are one of the most relevant countries in the world.

>The rent freedom of this thread

>yet more angloid cope

lmao dicklet

And? Life quality >> relevancy