Guess the Country

Post an image. Have others guess which country the image is from.

Attached: school.webm (404x720, 2.01M)

that's not an image, that's a video


East London?

Can't decide if France or Britain.


Wut its ilegal to have children wear those, it has to be some english speaking shithole

Doesn't look like any British school so USA?

Minnesota, Somalian capital of the States.

Do people actually think there are children and staff hijabis in French schools or is this a meme? only the USA and Britain allow that shit in the west

Wearing hijabs in schools is illegal here. I'll guess Britain maybe? Anyway if that's not a special school for immigrants that's frightening

Why is hijab in school banned? Shouldn't kids have a freedom of religious expression? I would understand doing that in a government facility, because you need to identify yourself and prevent hiding bombs and shit.

We get it

>Wearing hijabs in schools is illegal here
Wait what? Since when and how the hell did they justify it?

> Shouldn't kids have a freedom of religious expression
Can you name a single child that decided to become a hardline muslim without getting groomed by their parents or some creep?also if a teacher is allowed to wear religious symbols do you think she may act as a propaganda piece of said religion towards vulnerable minds? god speaking english makes your brain engage in neural patways that are close to those you use when you get a kink on cuckholding, I wish I could unlearn english to become a more functionnal human being

Wearing ostensible religious stuff in schools are illegal in France since 2004. I remember when the government said "but of course having a necklace with a cross isn't an ostensible religious sign" and all the mudslimes going apeshit.

Imo it was mainly made to piss off muslims, and it worked

Guess the country

Attached: 1587611640488.webm (512x640, 2.79M)

Trailer park kids have so much fun

South Korea

lol at the utter islamification of mansoota and london

>all these fucking retards answering France

Attached: 1580769095903.png (920x847, 280.09K)

not a bad thing
somali girls got fat asses and islam is based

The way that watermelon breaks over his head is satisfying

Did the government cave on the crucifix thing or are crosses allowed under the law?

I want to join.

Attached: nigger.webm (360x640, 2.1M)

Oh dear lord

they should cave
ban religious symbols if you want but don't make it biased, no wonder muslims get angry and do crime if you're always looking at them like 2nd class citizens when they've proven to be very hard workers and cause little trouble elsewhere

>i'd give up the secular and democratic identity of a nation for a fat arse

whats the story?

shut up paki

>when they've proven to be very hard workers and cause little trouble elsewhere

ok sandnigger lmao

Attached: lemonke.jpg (213x236, 6.52K)

i have the fat arse
and as long as its like my fatherland of Turkey where the state is secular and the people are muslim, then its incroyablement based!

greyboy says what?
yooooooooo he acc said it wtf looooooool whyd u do that

He's a literal paki, ignore him

her mood became too low and she threw a tantrum

That was my second guess, I just saw blue and red.

And why do Americans allow this?

your pic related is a typical white phenotype

wh*Te coping has to ignore others due to insecurity uh oh

Attached: ooh ooh ah ah.jpg (590x350, 53.78K)

>your pic related is a typical white phenotype

look at your fucking face paki, you people are the most ugly looking humans on this planet competing with abos

some regions
major cope we are one of the most beautiful people in the world

Crucifix are legal in schools except if they're "too big" and islamic veils plus kippas are completely banned
> when they've proven to be very hard workers and cause little trouble elsewhere
It was the case of the first generation of Nafris. Now the 3rd or 4th generation behave like apes

hey I was going for a laugh, not promoting racism like this

>Now the 3rd or 4th generation behave like ape
due to feeling like a 2nd class citizen, they see their parents like it, and also i seen how horrible french police are, and i thought british police were racist till i seen how french handled non-wh*Te men

>major cope we are one of the most beautiful people in the world

Hahahahaha, thanks for the laugh roach
At least you parasites are worth a giggle

cant tell if thats the insecurity reeking or just the natural french odor

All generations behave like apes. There's been race riots ever since they showed up in any kind of numbers.

It's your mum

You're delusional, typical of diaspora parasites, you cope as you can

id expect the delusion from the one panicking to dash out insults but i must be wrong oop
insecure boy ;)

na its ur marj

>panicking to dash out insults

No panic here, I shit on dunecoon parasites all day everyday

Attached: 1587638146123.png (219x230, 9.18K)

looking like a 12 yr old shut-in doesn't equate to "shitting on" anyone

Attached: peckhams finest.jpg (568x688, 90.97K)

guess the country

Attached: 1562088590497.webm (320x564, 2.85M)